Cycling for the People of Palestine

Bismillah! My name is Feras and I lead an Islamic faith-inspired cycling club here in Austin, Tx called the Lonestar Peace Riders and we are riding for the Palestinian cause. 

We are a grassroots cycling movement focused on using cycling as a vehicle of change for the people of Palestine. We focus on 3 main goals:

1. Solidarity: Show our visible solidarity with our Palestinian brethren who are under a ruthless occupation and enduring an ongoing Genocide. We ride flying the Palestinian flag proudly and unapologetically. Palestinian flags, Kuffiyeh, and all symbols representing the people of Palestine are proudly worn/used during our rides. 

2. Unity: Build unity in the communities as we ride through them. We typically ride Masjid to Masjid or kick off our rides from local Masajid.  Our rides are open to people of all backgrounds and faiths who recognize the Palestinian struggle for freedom. We aim to keep the Palestinian struggle for freedom alive in our collective hearts and actions. We also encourage local businesses, creators, influencers to support the cause. 

3. Raise Funds: We ask our riders, supporters, allies, and masajid to donate to the Pedal for Palestine cause through city specific campaign URLs via Islamic Relief USA (IRUSA), a renowned US registered 501c(3), to raise much needed funds for emergency aid for the people of Palestine.

Our cycling club has been riding for causes impacting the Muslim ummah for the past couple years, Alhamdullilah. Since October, our rides have been fully focused on the Palestinian cause.  We focus on collaborating with both muslim and other cycling groups willing to ride with us for the Palestinian cause. 

We plan to ride in every big metro across the United States, focused on the people of Palestine. Our next metros will in shaa Allah include: Washington DC, Miami/Orlando, Los Angeles, Seattle and more!

Share this movement, reach out to me via any of the channels below to express interest! Join the movement!

Instagram: @Pedal4Palestine (newly setup) or @LonestarPeaceRiders

#LonestarPeaceRiders #PedalforPalestine #Watts4TheWorld





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Active Rides


Sunday, September First, at 7:30 AM

Route will be provided to registered riders


Can’t find your metro from the list above? Fill out the form below.

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Previous Rides

June 30, 2024fa747b16-8689-4085-ac72-408626856bbd.jpeg

April 28, 2024Gaza Sunbirds - 2.jpeg

December 24, 2023pedal for palestine previous Rides 2.jpeg

October 29, 2023pedal for palestine previous Rides 1.jpeg

October 22, 2023pedal for palestine previous Rides.jpeg

"The best among you are those who bring greatest benefits to many others"

Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him).

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