$100 ea.
Boost your team’s competitiveness!
A mulligan gives your team a chance to survive a particularly challenging challenge or clue! Using a mulligan won’t let your team off the hook, but it will make the challenge easier. Still need help? Each clue and challenge come with the opportunity to use two mulligans if you really need them!
Your team can collect up to 4 mulligans to use Chase day!
Earn 1 mulligan by collecting $1,000 by August 1st.
Earn 2 mulligans by collecting $2,000 by August 9th.
Purchase 1 mulligan for $75 or 2 for $100.
Please note:
Mulligans may not be used at the final challenge!
A mulligan is not a free pass your team must first attempt the challenge or clue.
Your team designates a secret code word to use when using a mulligan so other teams can’t “steal” your mulligans!
Experienced Chasers know: Having mulligans at your disposal is an important tool in being competitive on Chase day! The more mulligans your team has, the faster you will move through the Chase and reach the finish line.