My Personal Page

My name is Fiona Grace Lessard and I am 7 years old. Jada Grace is my big sister. My parents made Grace my middle name, just like Jada's. Even though I haven't met her, I miss my big sister a LOT! If I could do anything with Jada right now, I would make slime, do gymnastics, or play outside with her. I think her favorite color would be the same as mine - blue-ish purple. My name is Annabelle Lessard and I am 5 years old. Jada Grace is my big sister. Even though I haven't met her, I miss Jada a LOT! If I could do anything with Jada right now I would want to play soccer, do gymnastics, or play outside. I think her favorite color would be the same as mine - yellow. We like to do the Hope and Hearts fundraiser in memory of our big sister. The Missing GRACE Foundation helps families like ours who have lost a baby. You can help by making a donation on our page.

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