While Yost’s current days consist of curling up by feet, pretending to be a fox, chasing squirrels, getting lots of love (both welcome and unwelcome) from three children and his current nights consist of co-sleeping with his parents, things were once much harder for him.
In 2010, Yost was abandoned and left to fend for himself as a young pup. When my nephew found him, my sister took him in and nursed him back to health and asked if my husband and I would be willing to take him. We agreed, which turned out to be the right call as he has brought so much joy to our family.
In 2014, we nearly lost Yost when he was hit by a car. But, after three surgeries and some time to heal, he was back to his old fox-like self.
Our goal is to raise as much funds as possible for Cascades Humane Society to ensure dogs like Yost get the best of care while looking for their forever homes. Please vote for Yost! Just look at that face!