Donor Leaderboard

JA First Place

Jims Auto Body & Service Inc.


JA Second Place

Jims Auto Body & Service Inc.


A Third Place



DA Fourth Place

Dan and Amanda Casillo


A Fifth Place



Full Rankings

Rank Top Donors Amount Raised
1 Jims Auto Body & Service Inc. $1,000.00
2 Jims Auto Body & Service Inc. $1,000.00
3 Anonymous $600.00
4 Dan and Amanda Casillo $500.00
5 Anonymous $500.00
6 7th and 8th Grade Students From Paragon Charter Academy $459.27
7 Anonymous $400.00
8 Anonymous $400.00
9 Anonymous $250.00
10 Anonymous $250.00
11 Ronda McCluskey $225.00
12 Anonymous $200.00
13 Greg Stevenson $200.00
14 Anonymous $200.00
15 Karen Glaser $200.00
16 Anonymous $200.00
17 Anonymous $175.00
18 Anonymous $150.90
19 Anonymous $150.00
20 Anonymous $150.00
21 Jason Shana Lee $150.00
22 Anonymous $150.00
23 Anonymous $150.00
24 Anonymous $139.00
25 Anonymous $125.00
26 david nastally $125.00
27 Anonymous $100.00
28 Anonymous $100.00
29 Anonymous $100.00
30 Kate Stiers $100.00
31 Brenda Harren $100.00
32 Anonymous $100.00
33 Anonymous $100.00
34 Anonymous $100.00
35 Karen Freeland $100.00
36 Lynne Johnson $100.00
37 Anonymous $100.00
38 Daria Grinenko $100.00
39 Anonymous $100.00
40 Bailey Alatalo $100.00
41 Bradley Poling $100.00
42 Anonymous $100.00
43 Josh Morrell $100.00
44 Mary Hocking $100.00
45 Anonymous $100.00
46 Robert Freeland $100.00
47 Jane Volk $100.00
48 Anonymous $100.00
49 Chloe Stewart $100.00
50 James Grace $100.00
51 Anonymous $100.00
52 Karen & Mark Beers $100.00
53 Matthew Curfman $100.00
54 Colette Stewart $100.00
55 Kyler Lee $100.00
56 Anonymous $100.00
57 Mom Burt $100.00
58 Geise construction $100.00
59 Anonymous $100.00
60 Anonymous $100.00
61 Anonymous $100.00
62 Anonymous $100.00
63 Kakki Smith $100.00
64 Anonymous $100.00
65 Anonymous $100.00
66 Anonymous $100.00
67 Posh by Jennifer Labun $80.00
68 Anonymous $75.00
69 Vicki Deatherage $75.00
70 Kenton Lee $75.00
71 Thomad Hilgenbrink $65.00
72 Samantha Bailey $55.00
73 anonymous anonymous $55.00
74 Anonymous $52.00
75 Anonymous $50.75
76 Lindy Inosencio $50.00
77 Cynthia Fields $50.00
78 Simonetti Family $50.00
79 Deborah Volk $50.00
80 Michael Duckham $50.00
81 Gary Volk $50.00
82 Debbi Fleissner $50.00
83 Nancy Berger $50.00
84 Alex Bessinger $50.00
85 Barbara Stanton $50.00
86 Dolly Lee $50.00
87 Elaine Stevenson $50.00
88 Marilou Stewart $50.00
89 Marilyne Gohr $50.00
90 Lydia Davis $50.00
91 Mary Ann Davenport $50.00
92 Wendy Watson $50.00
93 William Johnson $50.00
94 Michelle Ruby $50.00
95 Hudson Lalomia $50.00
96 Sherry Baskin $50.00
97 Anonymous $50.00
98 Zoey Gustafson $50.00
99 Dianna Alaniz $50.00
100 Sheila & Miguel (Grandma & Grandpa) Rodriguez $50.00
101 Denise Hackert $50.00
102 Anonymous $50.00
103 Karen Mountz $50.00
104 Wayne & Hattie Steward $50.00
105 Anonymous $50.00
106 Erin Layne $50.00
107 William and Betty Johnson $50.00
108 Anonymous $50.00
109 Anonymous $50.00
110 anonymous anonymous $50.00
111 Dana Bailey $50.00
112 colleen Gioia $50.00
113 Dale & Brigitte Stevens $50.00
114 Garet Lee $50.00
115 Jordan Kleinsmith $50.00
116 Diane Meyer $50.00
117 Wendy Watson $50.00
118 Sara Gustafson $50.00
119 Derrick Clark $50.00
120 Susan Carpenter $50.00
121 Susie Alatalo $50.00
122 Dr. Tedders Office, PLCC $50.00
123 Anonymous $50.00
124 Chloe Stewart $50.00
125 Annie and Aaron Taylor $50.00
126 Anonymous $50.00
127 Brigitte Stevens $50.00
128 Dottie Lovell $50.00
129 Donna Bailey $50.00
130 Carrie Roberts $50.00
131 Katherine Mashio $50.00
132 Wendy Watson $50.00
133 Dianna Alaniz $50.00
134 sarah beck $50.00
135 Susie Alatalo $50.00
136 Sue Douglass $50.00
137 Anonymous $50.00
138 Anonymous $50.00
139 Anonymous $50.00
140 Anonymous $50.00
141 Amy Gacon $50.00
142 Connie Williams $50.00
143 Sonia Walton $50.00
144 Dick & Carole Glaser $50.00
145 Sue Fields $40.00
146 Anonymous $40.00
147 Anonymous $38.00
148 Jill Johnson $35.00
149 Anonymous $33.00
150 Anonymous $30.00
151 Lisa Gonczy $30.00
152 Pam Styles $30.00
153 Brittney Roberts $30.00
154 DyLuSo Creations $30.00
155 B.J. Clark $28.30
156 Susan Chambers $25.00
157 Dick & Bev Sharp $25.00
158 Melissa Tabbert $25.00
159 Anonymous $25.00
160 Karen Barnes $25.00
161 Julie Mueller $25.00
162 Todd Teeples $25.00
163 Karen Glaser $25.00
164 Gretchen Davenport $25.00
165 Tina Rocco $25.00
166 Bill & Jan Anderson $25.00
167 Anonymous $25.00
168 Anonymous $25.00
169 Denise Whiting $25.00
170 Stephen Sharp $25.00
171 Sarah Moon $25.00
172 Tank Morrell $25.00
173 Dulcie Holtz $25.00
174 Abe, Heather and Avery Carefoot $25.00
175 Denise Hackert $25.00
176 Melissa Choat $25.00
177 Julie Clark $25.00
178 Krissy Pilav $25.00
179 Max & Betty Lapham $25.00
180 Chase Fitts $25.00
181 Charlene Fluder $25.00
182 Dalene Rode $25.00
183 Anonymous $25.00
184 Karen Glaser $25.00
185 Diana Day $25.00
186 Anonymous $25.00
187 Mary White $25.00
188 MaryAnn Alexander $25.00
189 Kelli Roberts $25.00
190 Shelby Wing $25.00
191 Linda Belcher $25.00
192 Larry Lloyd $25.00
193 Mary Duffy $25.00
194 Cathy Brubaker $25.00
195 Ryan Smithson $25.00
196 Anonymous $25.00
197 Anonymous $25.00
198 Anonymous $25.00
199 Craig Baskin $25.00
200 Anonymous $25.00
201 Scott Johnson $25.00
202 Cristy Loomis $25.00
203 Anonymous $25.00
204 HOWARD PECK $25.00
205 Heather Braford $25.00
206 Anonymous $25.00
207 Tom Burgett $25.00
208 Anonymous $25.00
209 Steven Coble $25.00
210 Wendy Harsch $25.00
211 Tom Lupke $25.00
212 Matt Kloepfer $25.00
213 Natasha M $25.00
214 Sandy Brown $25.00
215 Kristen Marsh $25.00
216 Jessica Page $25.00
217 Beverly McCluskey $25.00
218 Diane Nevins $25.00
219 Ashley Roth $25.00
220 Ariel Gant $25.00
221 Patty Coughlin $25.00
222 Darrell Howe $25.00
223 Colette Stewart $25.00
224 Anonymous $25.00
225 Karen Barnes $25.00
226 Janice Luton $25.00
227 Aaron Melzak $25.00
228 Karen Glaser $25.00
229 Anonymous $25.00
230 Yost Lloyd $25.00
231 Sheila Keenan $25.00
232 Anonymous $25.00
233 Jennifer Stanfield $25.00
234 Rachel Martel $25.00
235 Terry Luedecking $25.00
236 Jeanie Lewis $25.00
237 Ashley Maxwell $25.00
238 Chad Whiting $25.00
239 Travis and Melissa Chesser $25.00
240 Anonymous $25.00
241 Sarah Conlon $25.00
242 Jamie Burt $25.00
243 Joan Egeler $25.00
244 Tammie Morrell $25.00
245 Amanda Newberry $25.00
246 Beverly Schouten $25.00
247 Kari Koske $25.00
248 Cynthia Lilly $25.00
249 Lilly Le $25.00
250 Remi Alexander $25.00
251 Julia Davenport $25.00
252 Laura Toner $25.00
253 Angela Ouellette $25.00
254 Catherine Baskin $25.00
255 Anonymous $25.00
256 Pam Muirhead $25.00
257 Leilani Ruggles $25.00
258 Wendy Watson $25.00
259 Lori Thompson $25.00
260 Anonymous $25.00
261 Lasting Image $25.00
262 Kathy Brafford $25.00
263 CHRIS SMITH $25.00
264 Anonymous $25.00
265 Anonymous $23.16
266 Mechele Levy $20.00
267 Mary Howe $20.00
268 Tom and Betty Sibson $20.00
269 Connie Ray $20.00
270 Cindy Bellew $20.00
271 Julie Close $20.00
272 Krista LeMaster $20.00
273 Richard Graves $20.00
274 Anonymous $20.00
275 Del and Stephanie Belcher $20.00
276 Karen Putnam $20.00
277 Anonymous $20.00
278 Anonymous $20.00
279 Anonymous $20.00
280 Marilyn Wersen $20.00
281 Karen Mannion $20.00
282 Karen Hocter $20.00
283 Sherry Stiles $20.00
284 Anonymous $20.00
285 Andrea Smith $20.00
286 Alison Mcglynn $20.00
287 Karen Mannion $20.00
288 Brittney Roberts $20.00
289 Ethel Oberlander $20.00
290 Cory Davala $20.00
291 Kelly Froedtert $20.00
292 Nick Pepper $20.00
293 Mary O’Dea $20.00
294 Joyce and Bob Carpenters $20.00
295 Susan Naugle $20.00
296 Melinda Eberhart $20.00
297 Irma Schnell $20.00
298 Anonymous $20.00
299 Sarah Masten $20.00
300 Sharon Wolf $20.00
301 Caroline Herbert $20.00
302 Freeland Photography $19.00
303 Anonymous $18.00
304 Ryan Kintz $17.17
305 Anonymous $17.00
306 Beth Hays $15.08
307 Krissy Starr $15.00
308 Anonymous $15.00
309 Anonymous $15.00
310 Kathy Lloyd $15.00
311 Anonymous $15.00
312 Dana Ashlock $15.00
313 Anonymous $15.00
314 Kelly Bergin $13.70
315 Freeland Photography $11.00
316 Kathy Brafford $10.00
317 Laurie Cosentino $10.00
318 Patricia Laskowsky $10.00
319 Elke Hagle $10.00
320 Latora Cunningham $10.00
321 Anonymous $10.00
322 Terence Colligan $10.00
323 Kevin Mccluskey $10.00
324 Sara Bliss $10.00
325 ann flint $10.00
326 Joann Bostwick $10.00
327 Carmela Lazarus $10.00
328 Tina Mays $10.00
329 Dee's Shop $10.00
330 Mary Richards $10.00
331 Linda Preston $10.00
332 Claudia Taylor $10.00
333 Jeni Hackett $10.00
334 Teri Moreno $10.00
335 James and Carrie Heider Grant $10.00
336 Anthony Wetzel $10.00
337 Kat Stewart $10.00
338 Mollie Dart $10.00
339 Anonymous $10.00
340 Anonymous $10.00
341 Kathy Kanka $10.00
342 Shelly Petosky $10.00
343 Misty Bolt $10.00
344 Teresa Graetz $10.00
345 Deb Loughridge $10.00
346 Linda Eder $10.00
347 Emily Anderson $10.00
348 Anonymous $10.00
349 Joyce Rehberg $10.00
350 Alexandria Burgess $10.00
351 Cody Kintz $10.00
352 Kimberly Rupp $10.00
353 Toyo Ohtsuka $10.00
354 Debra Morris $10.00
355 Vivian Wisecup $10.00
356 Sue and Arbria Shepherd $10.00
357 Brennan Johnson $10.00
358 Linda Piotter $10.00
359 Brandy Brighton $10.00
360 Tim Sarah $10.00
361 Lisa Grassi $10.00
362 Lisa Clark $10.00
363 George Marsh $10.00
364 Lynne Bentley $10.00
365 Anonymous $10.00
366 Julie Baker $10.00
367 Anonymous $10.00
368 Maureen Combs $10.00
369 Patricia Glasgow $10.00
370 Rory Warren $10.00
371 Rita Swartzlander $10.00
372 Anonymous $10.00
373 Paul Brockie $10.00
374 Anonymous $10.00
375 Anonymous $10.00
376 Anonymous $10.00
377 Kristina rangel $10.00
378 Gary Tripp $10.00
379 Barbara Herdus $10.00
380 Renee Adam $10.00
381 Anonymous $10.00
382 Jamie Dake $10.00
383 Jeni Hackett $10.00
384 Anonymous $10.00
385 Anonymous $10.00
386 Bella Locash $10.00
387 dawn palmer $10.00
388 Denise Glover $10.00
389 Joan egeler $10.00
390 Anonymous $10.00
391 Anonymous $10.00
392 Marsha Haehnle $10.00
393 Alma Duan $10.00
394 Piper Johnson $10.00
395 scott wicht $10.00
396 Tomas Mashio $10.00
397 Mary E Jimenez $10.00
398 Senta Baker $10.00
399 Laura Pruett $10.00
400 Peggy Winland $10.00
401 Greg and Beth Faust $10.00
402 Kimberly Lloyd $10.00
403 Adrienne Koppen $10.00
404 Tank and Adelina Mays $10.00
405 Laurie Halcomb $10.00
406 Debra Robinson $10.00
407 Bradley Volk $10.00
409 Anonymous $10.00
410 Anonymous $10.00
411 Cindy Fojtik $10.00
412 Heather Stranigan $10.00
413 George Marsh $10.00
414 Laura Twichell $10.00
415 Anonymous $10.00
416 Carolyn Teeples $10.00
417 Lily Layne $10.00
418 Thomas Thweatt $10.00
419 Gloria Galaviz $10.00
420 Annie and Murphy Anderson $10.00
421 Tori Jennings $10.00
422 Brittnet Roberts $10.00
423 Nicole Andaloro $10.00
424 Sharlet Alagia $10.00
425 Anonymous $10.00
426 JUAN PUENTE $10.00
427 Tolford Megan $10.00
428 Anonymous $10.00
429 Anonymous $10.00
430 Wendy Brightman $10.00
431 Anonymous $10.00
432 Jessica Trojan $10.00
433 Tim Sarah $10.00
434 Tara Panther $10.00
435 Scooter & Peanut Wolf $10.00
436 Matt Swartzlander $10.00
437 Anonymous $10.00
438 Kellie Hubbard $10.00
439 Freeland Photography $9.00
440 Freeland Photography $9.00
441 Freeland Photography $7.00
442 Freeland Photography $7.00
443 Kristin Peterson $5.00
444 Anonymous $5.00
445 Natalie Loop $5.00
446 Jaymee Brandt $5.00
447 Jeremey Willard $5.00
448 Cheryl Cramer $5.00
449 Trevor Baldwin $5.00
450 aaron moffitt $5.00
451 Anonymous $5.00
452 Anonymous $5.00
453 Lynnann Fuller $5.00
454 Norman Hagen $5.00
455 Jane Murray $5.00
456 Judy Osterberg $5.00
457 Gizmo & Toulouse Skuta $5.00
458 Lacey Smith $5.00
459 Adrienne Rowland $5.00
460 Jaymee Brandt $5.00
461 Michael McKellar $5.00
462 Jan Johnson $5.00
463 Anonymous $5.00
464 Kevin Lenart $5.00
465 Kayla Kulpinski $5.00
466 Corrie Little $5.00
467 Mariah Maier $5.00
468 Anonymous $5.00
469 Chelsea Kennedy $5.00
470 Tom Booth $5.00
471 Barbara Boobier $5.00
472 Grandma & Grandpa Marker $5.00
473 Madeline Workman $5.00
474 Kelly Sharrer $5.00
475 Dawn Walker $5.00
476 Mackenzie Haltom $5.00
477 Heather Cordell $5.00
478 Stephanie Schupbach $5.00
479 Austin Pardun $5.00
480 Freeland Photography $4.00
481 Freeland Photography $4.00
482 Freeland Photography $4.00
483 Freeland Photography $4.00
484 Freeland Photography $4.00
485 Freeland Photography $4.00
486 Freeland Photography $4.00
487 Freeland Photography $4.00
488 Freeland Photography $4.00
489 Freeland Photography $4.00
490 Freeland Photography $4.00
491 Freeland Photography $3.00
492 Freeland Photography $3.00
493 Freeland Photography $3.00
494 Freeland Photography $3.00
495 Freeland Photography $3.00
496 Freeland Photography $3.00
497 Freeland Photography $3.00
498 Freeland Photography $3.00
499 Freeland Photography $3.00
500 Freeland Photography $3.00
501 Freeland Photography $3.00
502 Freeland Photography $3.00
503 Freeland Photography $3.00
504 Freeland Photography $3.00
505 Freeland Photography $3.00
506 Freeland Photography $3.00
507 Freeland Photography $3.00
508 Freeland Photography $3.00
509 Freeland Photography $3.00
510 Freeland Photography $3.00
511 Freeland Photography $3.00
512 Freeland Photography $3.00
513 Freeland Photography $3.00
514 Freeland Photography $3.00
515 Freeland Photography $3.00
516 Freeland Photography $3.00
517 Freeland Photography $3.00
518 Freeland Photography $3.00
519 Freeland Photography $3.00
520 Freeland Photography $3.00
521 Freeland Photography $3.00
522 Freeland Photography $3.00
523 Freeland Photography $3.00
524 Freeland Photography $3.00
525 Freeland Photography $3.00
526 Freeland Photography $3.00
527 Freeland Photography $3.00
528 Freeland Photography $3.00
529 Freeland Photography $3.00
530 Freeland Photography $3.00
531 Freeland Photography $3.00
532 Freeland Photography $3.00
533 Freeland Photography $3.00
534 Freeland Photography $3.00
535 Freeland Photography $3.00
536 Freeland Photography $3.00
537 Freeland Photography $3.00
538 Freeland Photography $3.00
539 Mary Chetkovich $3.00
540 Freeland Photography $3.00
541 Freeland Photography $3.00
542 Mary Chetkovich $2.00
543 Freeland Photography $2.00
544 Freeland Photography $2.00
545 Freeland Photography $1.00
546 Freeland Photography $1.00
547 Freeland Photography $1.00
548 Freeland Photography $1.00
549 Freeland Photography $1.00
550 Freeland Photography $1.00
551 Freeland Photography $1.00
552 Freeland Photography $1.00