2020 Fiscal Year End Appeal Description

What a challenge life can sometimes be!

The last several months have been extraordinarily challenging for our nation, our state, and CGI. Likewise, around the world the daily struggles of living in poverty have been compounded by COVID-19 health concerns. We know that for many of you, like us, these months have been quite difficult.

Thank you so very, very much!

I am especially grateful for your continued support, even during this trying time. On behalf of the many women in Cambodia coming from difficult situations who are now able to feed and clothe themselves because of your generosity - THANK YOU! With your help, these women have found hope and healing.

God is so good!

Through this difficult time, you have truly been His hands and feet to help keep this ministry strong. Whether you have volunteered, donated, shopped BYTAVI or prayed, you have made a significant and positive impact in the lives of vulnerable women and their families.

There is still so much to do.

We want to continue to provide vocational training and life skills programs. As we look to the future, we want to expand the ministry of CGI into other countries as well as within the U.S.

We need YOUR help to accomplish these things.

Will you consider becoming a monthly donor and help support the vocational training of a woman in the Imprint Project or Culinary Training Center?

Will you consider making a special gift right now to help ensure that vulnerable women continue to have opportunities to learn a skill and earn a living?

Together we can make a profound and positive impact!

Will you partner with us to empower the poor, protect the vulnerable and share the Gospel?





of your goal reached







