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2021 AHCC

The 2021 Anschutz-Hunt Challenge Series (AHCS) brings hundreds of Mile High 360 fans together in support of Mile High 360 and its students. 

The Anschutz-Hunt Challenge Series consists of three events that will run from November 15th through December 20th

  • The “Pathways to College” Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Challenge runs from Nov 15th through December 20th. The goal is $195,000.
  • The Challenge Cup squash event runs from December 6th through December 10th and select matches will be live-streamed for entertainment purposes. The goal is $35,000.
  • The 360 Challenge Auction runs from December 7th through December 10th. It is a great way to support Mile High 360’s students while securing great gifts, for yourself or your loved ones. The goal is $20,000.

What Is Mile High 360?






of your goal reached

Let's Meet The Challenge!

With COVID continuing to cause problems, Mile High 360 is providing more support than ever for its students and their families, and this event will go a long way in providing the students with the support they need. 

In addition to the year-round student support, Mile High 360 is providing its families with healthy food through a monthly food distribution and family cooking classes and student nutrition classes in partnership with Osage Café. 

100% of every individual and corporate donation will go to fund Mile High 360's programming. The total cost of the event is just under $8,000 and that cost is covered through player registration. Thus, 100% of all individual and corporate donations will be put to work through Academic programming, Health & Wellness programming, and Life Skills programming.