About Eckerd Connects' Programs


Eckerd Connects | Project Bridge |  Project 180 

Project 180 is a recidivism prevention program for youth who have completed Project Bridge and are committed to their continued success. This program helps youth pursue strategic goals and identify/prevent high-risk situations that may lead to a re-offense.  As youth accomplish their goals, they earn monetary stipends over the course of three months and are provided with tools, mentoring, and assistance to achieve their aspirations. Project 180’s goal is to empower young adults by providing wrap-around support services promoting sustainable independence. 


Eckerd Connects | Project Bridge

Eckerd Connects’ Project Bridge provides transitional services to boys and girls ages 11-21 reintegrating into their home communities from juvenile justice residential commitment programs. Through an innovative collaboration of organizations, Project Bridge provides educational, mentoring, vocational, and transportation services to help our young people achieve stable and successful lives and avoid re-entry into the criminal justice system. Project Bridge was developed in partnership with the State of Florida Department of Juvenile Justice to serve youth in Central and South Florida in 2013. To learn more about Project Bridge, please visit: Eckerd.org/projectbridge


Eckerd Connects 

Project Bridge is a program of Eckerd Connects. Eckerd Connects was founded in 1968 by Jack and Ruth Eckerd with the belief that everyone deserves the opportunity to succeed. The national nonprofit organization has connected more than 360,000 children, young adults, and families to the help they need through programs in Job Corp, workforce development, juvenile justice, and family services.  To learn more please visit Eckerd.org.