Our Team Fundraising Page

College shouldn't be a barrier - it should be a beginning, creating the foundation for a better future. Yet far too many low-income students lack the resources, information, role models and opportunities to make their dreams of college a reality. Minds Matter Southern California fills this gap - and we want to do it for even more students! Every year we turn away many talented, determined students so we are Dreaming Big about our future. Over the next 4 years, we will grow the number of students we serve by 20% year over year. In addition, we want to deepen the servcies we provide by formalizing our programming that supports the transition to, and first year in, college. By Jan 2025, we will officially transition to a 4 year program. It is an ambitious goal and one we can only reach with your help. With your financial support, we can make opportunity accessible and actionable for more students. Donate today! We have two matching opportunities. For Giving Tuesday, if we raise $10,000 on that day, Nov. 28th it will be matched dollar for dollar by a board member. Then when we raise an additional $25,000, it will also be matched dollar for dollar! Many companies also match employee donations and/or employee volunteer hours. Be sure to check here if your company matches!

Our Team





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Our Supporters

  • Anonymous January 2024
  • Justin Ott December 2023 $100.00
  • Maya Gibson Keep up the good work December 2023 $30.45
  • Anonymous December 2023
  • Lynn Bresnahan Supporting the development of talent where it blossoms December 2023
  • Jennifer Kutsunai December 2023 $500.00
  • Frank Mackris November 2023 $385.00
  • Anonymous December 2023 $250.00
  • Sanat Patel December 2023 $142.61
  • James Harbert December 2023 $101.50