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We invite you to help Shoot for a Cure reach its fundraising goal!

Fort Wayne United FC is proud to present the 2023 Shoot for a Cure tournament. From the beginning, Fort Wayne United has used this tournament as a platform to raise money for breast cancer research through a partnership with our friends at the Vera Bradley Foundation for Breast Cancer. Thanks to AMAZING teams, the Shoot for a Cure tournament has raised over $100,000 to date. 

Donations support the groundbreaking research at the Vera Bradley Foundation Center for Breast Cancer Research. 

Team Prize!

Eighteen Vera Bradley Throw Blankets will be given to the team raising the most money.

How to Participate. It's Easy!

Team Managers—Create your Team Fundraising Page:

Team managers register your team and create your team fundraising page. Invite your team members to join your team. 

Click on Create a Team now.

Team Members—Register and Fundraise for Sponsorships:

Team members register by joining your team and creating your personal fundraising page. You are encouraged to secure sponsorships from friends and family through their personal fundraising page to increase their donation. 

Click on Join a Team now!

All Supporters: 

Make a donation of $5 or more to one of the teams to show your support.  

Fort Wayne United FC Spring Shoot for a Cure Tournament 

April 29 - 30 in Fort Wayne, Indiana













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About the Vera Bradley Foundation for Breast Cancer

Their Mission:
Raising funds for research to find a cure and to improve the lives of the many affected by breast cancer.

Their Story:
Vera Bradley Co-founders Barbara Bradley Baekgaard and Patricia R. Miller began raising funds for breast cancer research in 1993 after the loss of their dear friend, Mary Sloan. Since then, their genuine commitment to this cause has evolved into the Vera Bradley Foundation for Breast Cancer. Together with our donors, fundraisers, event participants and volunteers, we hope for a future free from breast cancer.

Learn more about the Vera Bradley Foundation