A few years ago when I was first diagnosed with Parkinson's I had no idea where to go for good, scientific information. The first three neurologists were useless, none of them had expertise in PD. Mark and I found the Michigan Parkinson's Foundation and we were able to find the support we needed. They provided a year-long support group, research trial opportunities, lists of motor disorders specialists and plenty of good advice. I hope Michigan Parkinson's Foundation is able to get the financial support they need to provide this support for other PD patients and their partners.
The revenues from our walk events are essentialto assure we meet our Goal: “No person with Parkinson’s should be without responsive, quality care and support”. Michigan Parkinson Foundation’s (MPF) Respite Care Program increased 117% in 2021. Since January 2021, we have provided 10,185 hours of care to Michigan families who are living with Parkinson’s. Over 1,400 people with Parkinson’s have participated in MPF’s virtual exercise classes and we are excited to be able to extend the classes through December 2022 completely free of charge. To date, we have been able to say “YES” to all that need our help.