Dave Loomis, committee member, starter of the walk, on field set up, always there to help
Dave would be so honored to know that the 2023 Mountain Area Barefoot Mile is in his memory, and I am honored to do his fundraising in his name. This is by far at the top of Dave's list of all time favorite non profits, because our children are the ones that profit from Dr. Jeff's lifelong pursuit of rescuing children, from the very youngest of innocence to our beautiful young adults, from the most evil actions that we can imagine. Your dollars go to training pollice departments all over our country and beyond to spot & capture the lowest of humans that do this, inform our youth and parents how to beaware and deal with these circumstances, the saving of our youth is top priority for all of us.
If you get a chance to listen to Dr. Jeff's story, don't miss it. Watch for him in various venues locally this summer and join us for fun and a great cause at Marshdale Aug. 12!
Please donate! Every cent needed to help save our children!!