My Personal Fundraising Page

Meredith Sherrier

Why I Walk

Just 5 days after I delivered my son I developed an excruciating headache that a prescription migraine medication barely made a dent in. When I messaged my OB's nurse she told me to go to the OB triage. I didn't want to go because of previous negative experiences there. But, she was insistent. I am glad that she was insistant because she helped save my life.

At the hospital my blood pressure was 165/90. Within an hour I was admitted to the hospital overnight. I stayed for two days. The first 24 hours I was hooked up to an IV to receive magnesium sulfate to lower my blood pressure. The second night I was there we found out that I was allergic to the blood pressure medication I was on. 

During this time I was seperated from my newborn son and husband. I was very fortunate that they were able to lower my blood pressure and send me home in two days. 

I chose to walk and share information about pre-eclampsia because I hope that someone will read this and check their blood pressure postpartum. I almost lost the chance to watch my son grow up and am so glad to still be here.

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  • Anonymous August 2023

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