Why I love Veritas!
Hi my name is Evan and here are some reasons why you should come to Veritas.
Veritas Christian Academy is a great school and we get to learn about God. Learning about God teaches us to respect to others and treat others just like how you treat yourself. All the teachers are all very nice and they are always helpful and kind. All the students are also very nice they will all try and be your friend. Veritas is also a small school which means there wont be a lot of kids which means there will not be a lot of kids that are very mean or bullying.
This is my first year at Veritas and the first day of school I felt very nervous because it was a new school and I didn't have any friends. But after a few days, they started talking to me and this made me feel like they are my good friends. The teachers at Veritas are very nice for example Mrs.J and Mrs.Wong are nice to me and they help me with things that I'm stuck on. My latin teacher Mrs. Cheng is very helpful because at the begginning of the school year my first 2 quizzes were hard so she helped me review my latin words before a quiz. My math teacher Mrs. Snoeyink has helped me with my math questions and she always tries her best to give her best hint to me when I'm stuck.
Please donate to me and help our school grow so that more people will get a chance to come to our school!
My Supporters
- Anonymous May 2023
- Helen Choe Dear Evan, Kudos to you for participating in our Veritas fundraising efforts! You are a wonderful learner who cares to improve and grow! Proud of you. Love, Mrs. Choe May 2023 $10.40
- Rong Yu May 2023 $250.00
- Anonymous May 2023
- Rong Yu May 2023 $250.00
- Helen Choe Dear Evan, Kudos to you for participating in our Veritas fundraising efforts! You are a wonderful learner who cares to improve and grow! Proud of you. Love, Mrs. Choe May 2023 $10.40