Tonka Cheer Program Overview

Students on the Minnetonka High School Cheer Team are elite athletes and role models in their community. You've probably seen them on the sidelines cheering on the MHS Varsity football team, but you may not know that these cheerleaders train May through February to prepare for competitions at State, Regional, National and World levels. In fact, currently the MHS Varsity Cheer team holds the State, National and World titles for their division! Tonka cheerleaders are extremely hard-working, talented, and they know how to win!

Your tax-deductible donation will go directly to support the cheerleaders and needs of the program. This ranges from mats, to uniforms, to travel, to equipment and more! 

We truly appreciate your support at any level! GO TONKA!! 

My Personal Message

I can't believe that this is my thrid year as a Varsity cheerleader. Time flies when you are having fun - and winning! My goal last season was to win Nationals and get that white jacket (the coveted jacket each cheerleader receives when your team wins Nationals). I worked so hard, battled thorugh injuries, and ultimately I acheived my goal and now I'm ready to do it all again. Thank you for your support! It means so much to me! GO TONKA!!!

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My Supporters

  • Melissa Richmann October 2023 $112.00
  • Melissa Uittenbogaard October 2023 $15.00
  • Melissa Uittenbogaard October 2023 $30.00
  • Melissa Uittenbogaard October 2023 $72.00
  • Nicole Meyer October 2023 $36.00
  • Anonymous October 2023
  • Melissa Richmann October 2023 $112.00
  • Gwendolyn Lewis-Joseph October 2023 $112.00
  • Holly Smith October 2023 $112.00
  • Eric Hudgens October 2023 $100.00