2024 JAWNY Bowlathon   ○   ThreeSixty   ○   360 PSG

Joel Colombo

Bowling for Dollars for the Children

Help me raise a few bucks for Junior Achievement of WNY. We bowl for dollars in a couple weeks and even just a few dollars can go a long way in helping out.

ThreeSixty is helping the community…

As a business owner and supporter of our community I wanted to take a bunch of my staff out for some fun and a great cause. The folks at JA put together a bunch of programs that teach kids some real life skills like money management and solving community problems. They count on the support of the community and we stepped up to help out at this years bowlathon.

I paid for all of my staffs entries and lane fees, now we just need to each raise a few bucks to help out. The event is coming up on March 9th so we don't have much time to hit our goals.

Thanks in advance and I look forward to updating you all on how our teams did together !


Junior Achievement: Game Time





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • ThreeSixty March 2024 $100.00
  • ThreeSixty March 2024 $100.00