
Full Rankings

Rank Top Participants Team Name Amount Raised
1 Jennifer Conklin Georgetown Ballers $1,757.89
2 Carrie J Georgetown Ballers $1,087.98
3 Michelle Walker ARC Angels $731.22
4 Marissa Deleon ARC Angels $571.00
5 Anjane Longacre Dover UnderDogs $512.05
6 Diane Seeger The Crate Escape $506.97
7 Trinity Miller Georgetown Ballers $339.94
8 Seth Winter ARC Angels $334.86
9 Ellen Roe The Crate Escape $325.52
10 Laura Page ARC Angels $311.06
11 Mary Brower The Crate Escape $291.06
12 James Schmidt The Pawfessionals $200.00
13 Hailey Marcus The Pawfessionals $162.29
14 Allison Roberts The Pawfessionals $161.12
15 Judy Kane Just Us Cat Rescue $135.13
16 Jesse Jenkins Georgetown Ballers $131.97
17 Michele Burk $130.00
18 Timarah Hammack Dover UnderDogs $106.00
19 Joan Ziegler ARC Angels $103.95
20 SUSAN LAMB Georgetown Ballers $100.00
21 Camryn Hill ARC Angels $85.00
22 Adam Lamb The Pawfessionals $83.16
23 Jenn Chace The Pawfessionals $81.97
24 Ronald Williamson Dover UnderDogs $80.00
25 Mackenzie Kempista The Crate Escape $71.31
26 Eli Martinez The Pawfessionals $62.37
27 Sara Smith The Pawfessionals $62.37
28 nanaette bordner $57.57
29 Emily Calanza Dover UnderDogs $55.99
30 Ashly Brown Dover UnderDogs $55.99
31 KristieAnne Booth The Crate Escape $55.00
32 Larkyn Hoban-Heck The Crate Escape $50.00
33 Karen Synic $50.00
34 Donna Fuhrman The Crate Escape $50.00
35 Amy Waltman $46.70
36 Hannah Hargraves The Pawfessionals $35.00
37 Barbara Gudelunas $30.00
38 Brent Beltrone $30.00
39 Jane Sanabria The Crate Escape $30.00
40 Sally Griffin Georgetown Ballers $30.00
41 Chad Koehler $30.00
42 Amy Koehler $30.00
43 Gina Anderson Georgetown Ballers $30.00
44 Donald Burk $30.00
45 Tim Adams The Crate Escape $30.00
46 Starr Bordner $5.00
47 Rigby Bordner $5.00