About The Alliance
The National Alliance for Eating Disorders ("The Alliance") works to ensure that no one suffers alone by providing free access to life-saving, clinician-led support programs and early intervention initiatives, including:
- Therapist-staffed, toll-free helpline
- Largest, national and interactive provider database for all levels of care, findEDhelp.com
- Free, weekly, therapist-led virtual & in-person support groups
- Training for healthcare providers
- Research-based, body image and eating disorders high school curriculum
- Low-cost outpatient treatment for individuals that are underinsured or uninsured
Eating disorders are complex, brain-based illnesses that will affect 29 million Americans in their lifetime. They can affect all people regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, wealth, job status, sexual orientation, ability, neurodiversity, and body shape/size.
Eating disorders have the second highest lethality rate among all mental illnesses, with someone dying every 52 minutes as a direct result. Devastatingly, over 70% of those struggling will not receive access to the care they need.
The Alliance is the leading non-profit organization providing referrals, education, and support for individuals experiencing eating disorders and their loved ones. Our support programs and early intervention initiatives have been uniquely developed and are overseen by clinicians, as well as people of lived experience.
We are consistently measuring the success of our programming through qualitative and quantitative means, including client feedback and formal studies, to ensure alignment with the evolving needs of our community. Our goal is to ensure everyone can access care and find community, so no one has to suffer alone.
For more information, please visit www.allianceforeatingdisorders.com or call 866.662.1235.