Sponsorship Details

$7,500 - King of the Court Sponsor

  • Recognition as the Title Sponsor of event
  • Featured as Title Sponsor on all event materials, prominent logo placement on signage during the event, website, social media and digital invitations
  • Table at event to promote business and distribute swag to players
  • Entry for four (4) teams of two (2)
  • Verbal recognition at tournament and opportunity to speak
  • Logo + name on t-shirts
  • Shirts, drinks and food for teams

$5,000 - Overhead Slam Sponsor

  • Logo + name prominently displayed on signage, website, social media and digital invitations
  • Table at event to promote business, and distribute swag to players
  • Entry for two (2) teams of two (2)
  • Logo + name on t-shirts
  • Verbal recognition at tournament
  • Shirts, drinks and food for teams

$2,500 - Kitchen Sponsor

  • Logo + name prominently displayed on signage, website and social media
  • Entry for two (2) teams of two (2)
  • Logo + name on t-shirts
  • Shirts, drinks and food for teams

$1,000 - Rally Sponsor

  • Logo + name displayed on signage, social media, and website
  • Entry for one (1) team of two (2)
  • Logo + name on t-shirts
  • Two shirts, drinks and food for team

$500 - Dink Sponsor

  • Logo + name displayed on signage, social media, and website
  • Entry for one (1) team of two (2)
  • Two shirts, drinks and food for team





of your goal reached









There are no sponsors for this campaign.