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  • Individual Ticket

    One ticket to the Craft Your Look Gala

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  • Champion of Goodwill Patron Sponsor


    - Recognition as a Champion of Goodwill Patron Sponsor

    Promotional Materials:

    - Name featured in event promotional materials such as program, digital presentation, and gala website.

    Reserved Seating:

    - One (1) table of 10 guests each (10 guests total)

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  • Champion of Goodwill Diamond Sponsor


    Most prominent and exclusive recognition as the Title Sponsor of the Craft Your Look Gala e.g., The [YOUR NAME] Craft Your Look Gala Benefiting Goodwill South Florida 

    Opportunity for representative to speak during the program at both events

    Promotional Materials:

    Logo/name incorporated into event logo and prominently featured in all event promotional materials such as invitation, program book, digital presentation, gala website, and event email blasts

    One (1) VIP-branded lounge for guests at the gala

    Exclusive Meet & Greet with the Spirit of Goodwill Band

    Program Book Ad

    Two (2) full-page/full-color ads in the evening’s program book

    Reserved Seating:

    Three (3) tables of 10 guests each (30 guests total)

    Media Coverage:

    Recognition on Goodwill South Florida social media channels

    Name recognition in gala media and press releases, including Social Miami

    Goodwill Corporate Partner:

    Two (2) private behind-the-scenes tours of Goodwill South Florida headquarters for a group of up to 10 people with an exceptional performance by the Spirit of Goodwill band.

    US 3’ x 5’ flag gift pack made with love by people with disabilities for each table guest

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  • Champion of Goodwill Platinum Sponsor

    5 Available

    - Prominent recognition as the Presenting Sponsor of one of five experiences at the
    Craft Your Look Gala.

    Opportunities include: 

    Cocktail Hour | Spirit of Goodwill Band Presentation| Craft Your Look Fashion Show | Dinner Party
    After Party

    Promotional Materials:

    - Logo incorporated into event logo and prominently featured in all event promotional materials
    such as invitation, program book, digital presentation, gala website, and event email blasts*

    - Prominent Recognition as the presenting sponsor of one of the experiences above.

    Program Book Ad:

    - One (1) full-page/full-color ads in the evening’s program book

    Reserved Seating:

    - Two (2) tables of 10 guests each (20 guests total)

    Media Coverage:

    - Recognition on Goodwill South Florida social media channels

    - Name recognition in gala media and press releases, including Social Miami

    Goodwill Corporate Partner:

    - One (1) private behind-the-scenes tour of Goodwill South Florida headquarters for a group
    of up to ten (10) people with an exceptional performance by the Spirit of Goodwill band.

    - US 3’ x 5’ flag gift pack made with love by people with disabilities for each table guest.

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  • Champion of Goodwill Gold Sponsor


    - Recognition as a Champion of Goodwill Gold Sponsor

    Promotional Materials:

    - Logo/name prominently featured in event promotional materials such as program,
    digital presentation, and gala website.

    Program Book Ad:

    - Half-page/full-color ads in the evening’s program book

    Reserved Seating:

    - One (1) table of 10 guests each (10 guests total)

    Media Coverage:

    - Recognition on Goodwill South Florida social media channels

    - Name recognition in gala media and press releases, including Social Miami

    Goodwill Corporate Partner:

    - One (1) private behind-the-scenes tour of Goodwill South Florida headquarters for a group
    of up to ten (10) people with an exceptional performance by the Spirit of Goodwill band.

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  • Champion of Goodwill Silver Sponsor


    - Recognition as a Champion of Goodwill Silver Sponsor

    Promotional Materials:

    - Logo featured in event promotional materials such as program, digital presentation,
    and gala website.

    Program Book Ad:

    - Quarter page/full-color ads in the evening’s program book

    Reserved Seating:

    - One (1) table of 10 guests each (10 guests total)

    Media Coverage:

    - Recognition on Goodwill South Florida social media channels

    - Name recognition in gala media and press releases, including Social Miami

    Goodwill Corporate Partner:

    - One (1) private behind-the-scenes tour of Goodwill South Florida headquarters
    for a group of up to five (5) people with an exceptional performance by
    the Spirit of Goodwill band.

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