2024 Dye It For Dravet

Melissa Burkamp

May 24, 2024 12:00am - July 31, 2024 11:59pm

My Fundraising Page

Dominic’s Story

Dominic has had seizures since birth. He had one in my arms a couple hours after delivery and also in the nurses arms. We didn't receive the official diagnosis of Dravet until he was 4 months old when he went status. He has been hospitalized multiple times due to seizures. We have been on multiple medications and our current medication is 3 different seizure medications. We are also hoping to get a VNS placed to stop the seizures since we can't gain control of the focal awareness ones. He's had every type of seizure you can imagine. The scariest to us are the drop seizures. They can happen at any moment and he will fall either backwards or face forward. They are quick and short but the are the scariest. We have had a seizure in the pool as well as too many times to count in our sleep. Dominic has a Gain of Function mutation which means he is able to take sodium channel blockers. But, unfortunately, rescue medication doesn't work for him as it causes worse seizures. Your donation will go strictly to help our kids with research, products to assist with them, and programs. Please consider donating for a wonderful cause! As always you can also dye your beard or hair in honor of Dominic. He would absolutely love it! If you can't, donate or share please! The more we share knowledge, the more help and a possibility for a cure someday! 





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