2024 Dye It For Dravet

Gretchen Blow

May 24, 2024 12:00am - July 31, 2024 11:59pm


We're at it again! Raising money for Dravet Syndrome Awareness.

Live for Little Moments with Us

"I know she's not perfect But she tries so hard for me
And I thank God that she isn't 'Cause how boring would that be?
It's the little imperfections It's the sudden change in plans
When she misreads the directions And we're lost, but holding hands
Yeah, I live for little moments like that 

Yeah, I live for little moments
When she steals my heart again and doesn't even know it
Yeah, I live for little moments like that
{credit to Brad Paisley "Little Moments" 


We live for little moments every day. With 2 Dravet Warriors in the house, life is ever-changing and always keeps us on our toes. The Syndrome has taken so much from us, so many moments that others don't realize are special. So many moments that others wouldn't consider a "little moment." On those days, it's important to focus on the little moments that turn into milestones for our girls. Each small accomplishment or day without emergency rescue medicine must be charished. Each birthday that other kids have huge parties, we are blessed to make it through cake without meltdowns and seiszure triggers. We are blessed with little moments when they can use their words to say what they want or need. We are blessed with little moments of peace and quiet and rest. Our Dravet Warriors fight every day, and to support them along the way the rest of us must become warriors too. We are research warriors. We are advocates. We are parents and siblings. We are friends that are like family and family that are like friends. 

Any little bit helps. Any little moment of research helps to make things better for our Dravet Warriors. We emplore you to step up. We beg you to fight with us. We ask you to join our team. We hope that at the end of each adventure we can turn to Dravet and say "GLITCH PLEASE!! We've beat you today."





of your goal reached









My Supporters

  • Greg Minkel Maddie Loving your new look. Can't wait to see you live 5 days ago $25.90
  • Matthew Birch 2 weeks ago $51.79
  • D Scott Thuet Bridgettef 2 weeks ago $100.00
  • Brigitte Crumpton 2 weeks ago $25.90
  • Margaret Frisella 3 weeks ago
  • D Scott Thuet Bridgettef 2 weeks ago $100.00
  • Matthew Birch 2 weeks ago $51.79
  • Greg Minkel Maddie Loving your new look. Can't wait to see you live 5 days ago $25.90
  • Brigitte Crumpton 2 weeks ago $25.90

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