Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where & When: November 9, 2024, from 5:30 pm to 11:30 pm.

  • Attire: Formal Attire. Have fun with the theme! ཐིཋྀ

  • Parking: Parking will be $5 on the day of the event. Guests can park in the garage or use valet. Please bring your ticket to the Circle of Care registration table to have it validated.

  • VIP Reception: To attend the VIP reception, you must have already purchased a ticket to the gala. You can then add a VIP ticket as an add-on or select a package that already includes a VIP ticket.

  • Childcare: Childcare will be in the Estrella room, and a member of our team will be happy to direct you. Dinner and activities will be provided. Please pick up your child by 10:30 pm. ( ONLY avaliable to those who have reserved their spot ahead of time) 

  • Is it a cash only bar? : No, the bars will accept card payments.

    If you have any other questions or need more clarification, please reach out to Sydney at

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