All tickets sales end November 1st!

Please Select An Option

  • Commander Platinum Level

    1 Available

    24 tickets to the gala program with 8 VIP reception spots, honor level recognition, large logo on the event signage, logo on the Save the Date & E-Invitation, promotional items allowed on table, logo on social media posts, logo on web page for 6 months, logo scrolling throughout the program on the event screens & logo highlights in the foundation newsletter.

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  • Captain Gold Level

    Includes 18 tickets to the gala program with 6 VIP spots, comrade level recognition, logo on event signage, promotional items allowed on table, logo on social media posts, logo on web page for 6 months, recognition by event emcee, logo on event screen, logo highlights in the foundation newsletter.

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  • Lieutenant Silver Level

    4 Available

    Includes 12 tickets to the gala program with 4 VIP reception spots, service level recognition, logo on event signage, logo on social media posts, logo on web page for 6 months, recognition by the emcee, logo scrolling throughout the program on event screens & logo highlight in foundation newsletter.

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  • Sergeant Bronze Level

    4 Available

    Includes 6 tickets to the gala program with 2 VIP reception spots, service level recognition, logo on event signage, logo on social media posts, logo on web page for 6 months, recognition by event emcee & logo scrolling throughout the program on the event screens.

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  • Table Sponsor

    Includes table for 12 guests to the gala program with 3 course dinner, silent & live suction, live music, dancing, photo booth, 360 degree video station and more!

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  • Individual Gala Ticket

    Includes one ticket for the gala program with 3 course dinner, silent & live auction, live music, photo booth, 360 degree video station and more!

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  • Individual Ticket W/ VIP

    18 Available

    Includes one ticket for the gala program, and vip experience before the event with a 3 course dinner, silent & live auction, live music, photo booth, 360 degree video station and more!

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  • Date Night

    Includes 2 tickets for the gala program with 3 course dinner, silent & live auction, live music, photo booth, 360 degree video station and more!

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  • VIP Date Night

    20 Available

    Includes 2 tickets for the gala program, and vip experience before the event with a 3 course dinner, silent & live auction, live music, photo booth, 360 degree video station and more!

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  • Individual VIP Reception Ticket

    16 Available

    Includes 1 reserved ticket to the VIP reception with specialty cocktail, appetizers, music, social networking, specialty gifts and more!

    Only avaliable with purchase of a regular gala ticket, or sponsorship. If you have not purchased a regular gala ticket, or you are not apart of a sponsorship group you will be refunded.

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Optional Donation
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Store Items

Individual VIP Reception Ticket

$50 ea.

Includes 1 reserved ticket to the VIP reception with specialty cocktail, appetizers, live music performance, social hour, specialty gifts and more! Only avaliable with purchase of a regular gala ticket, or sponsorship. If you have not purchased a regular gala ticket, or you are not apart of a sponsorship group you will be refunded.

Order Summary

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