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Why I Walk

While I had many reasons for participating in the walk, I've narrowed it down to one: I'm walking for myself. I know this may sound self-centered, but my aim is to motivate and inspire other survivors to keep going. You are not your diagnosis!

On October 12th, 2021, I gave Birth to my beautiful daughter Harmony Rose. She weighed 6 pounds 12 oz, I remember holding her and thinking “I can’t believe I did this, I am really a mother” all while being exhausted and barely keeping my eyes open.  The first couple of hours of breastfeeding, caring for my precious baby. My vital signs, assessment, and her labs arrived back cleared to go home! I was filled with joy and relief. I wasn’t home for more than 72hours when I was rushed back to the emergency room for high blood pressure. I stayed in the hospital for a week. A week of not holding my newborn baby, experiencing the first fresh week of motherhood, a week filled with magnesium, seizure precautions, blood pressure medications, and mood stabilizers to return home unsure of when I would be off any of these medications. I was paralyzed with fear.

I was a stay-at-home mother for the first year of my daughter’s life, battling silent fear, depression, and confusion on how this could have happened to me. I was determined to not let this be the end of my story. January 1st, , of 2022 I gave my life back to Christ and gained new strength in Faith, Love and Peace. The scripture reading Mark 5:34 “Daughter, your faith (your personal trust and confidence in) has restored you to health; go in peace and be (permanently) healed from your suffering) This verse saved my life! My Faith in God saved my life! I was determined to keep going regardless of how things may look! I put my health in Jesus hands! I knew, I didn’t want to be on ANY medication to stabilize anything! God reminded me over and over that my body is a holy temple of his! That I am fearful and wonderfully made! Nothing against my mind, or body shall prosper! He has not given me spirit of fear; but of love, power, and sound mind!

I am here today by the grace, mercy, and goodness of God, without being on any long-term medications, finishing my second semester of RN school, with a healthy 2-year-old!

My reason for walking is to remind myself and other mothers that YOU ARE NOT YOUR DIAGNOSIS. Walk in faith knowing you’re healed, and that you’re more than a conqueror!

  • Team Faith walk

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