My Personal Fundraising Page

Gardners of the Galaxy

Why I Walk

My connection to preeclampsia runs deep. Each step I take is fueled by a deeply personal journey, one that has led me to raise awareness and support for those affected by preeclampsia. It's not just a medical condition; it's a part of my story! When I was pregnant with my first child, preeclampsia blindsided me. What started as a routine prenatal appointment quickly escalated into a whirlwind of uncertainty and fear.

The symptoms were subtle at first – swelling, headaches, elevated blood pressure – but soon became alarmingly severe. Preeclampsia threatened not only my health but also the life of my unborn child. The reality of facing a premature birth and potential complications shook me to the core. Thankfully, I was able to stay stable enough to make it to 36 weeks when my blood pressure became dangerously high (186/120) and I started losing my vision. Terrified, I went in for an induction while requiring the dreaded magnesium drip. Liam was born and ready to be discharged before I was! We were so glad he didn't require a NICU stay. 

Pregnancy #2 was complicated by high blood pressures, but never were they dangerously high like I had experienced with my first pregnancy. Covid-19 hit just in time for Logan to be born in April 2020. I was relieved that I made it through pregnancy without developing preeclampsia.

Fast forward to baby #3 - I had delivered another baby "at term" without developing preeclampsia. Or so I thought. We were shocked because I had so many symptoms that were screaming preeclampsia, but it stayed at bay! ... Until ... two days postpartum, those pesky symptoms began again. I watched my blood pressure climb and climb, I had the worst headaches and belly pain. I tried playing it off as "being tired" but deep down, I knew something wasn't right. My husband took me to the OB and I knew at that appointment that I'd be going back to the hospital. They let me go home while I waited for labs to come back. I knew it wasn't good news when I saw the hospital calling me. I had developed preeclampsia again, and was borderline HELLP (my red blood cells were breaking, my liver enzymes were high, but my platelets were still in the normal range... thankfully!!)  I spent three days in the hospital trying to manage dangerously high blood pressures. 

Fortunately, I had access to medical care and a supportive network of family and friends who rallied around me during those tumultuous times. Yet, not everyone is as fortunate. Many women around the world face preeclampsia without adequate resources or awareness, leading to devastating consequences for both mother and baby.

This is why I walk.

I walk to honor the memory of those who have lost their lives to preeclampsia. I walk to support those currently battling preeclampsia, offering hope and solidarity. I walk to raise awareness, to shine a light on the importance of early detection, research, and improved healthcare access for all. Above all, I walk for my own babies! 

Every step I take is a step towards progress, towards a world where preeclampsia no longer holds power over families. Together, we walk towards a future where every pregnancy is free from the shadow of preeclampsia, where mothers and babies can thrive without fear. Every step brings us closer to a world where no one has to endure the pain and heartache it brings. And until that day comes, I'll keep walking, spreading awareness, and fighting for change, one step at a time.

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My Supporters

  • Facebook Donor 1 week ago $36.21
  • Anonymous 1 week ago
  • Facebook Donor 1 week ago $35.19
  • Kelly Wysocki-Emery April 2024 $78.75
  • Jessica Kenworthy April 2024 $50.00
  • Facebook Donor April 2024 $100.00
  • Kelly Wysocki-Emery April 2024 $78.75
  • Jessica Kenworthy April 2024 $50.00
  • Facebook Donor 1 week ago $36.21
  • Facebook Donor 1 week ago $35.19

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