My Personal Fundraising Page

Why I Walk

On 11/1/2015, I delivered my daughter, Yalon Elise Isaac. She was born sleeping due to severe Preeclampsia and the HELLP syndrome. I was heartbroken as Yalon was my first and only child. Each year, I participate in the Promise Walk to help promote awareness. Sometimes participation is not easy, however over years, I have found a peace in the walk. This year, I got started late. And after thinking of Yalon, I got up and got to it. I am walking in memory and honor of my angel, Yalon Elise Isaac. Please walk with me, make a donation, or send some encouraging words as we help raise awareness of Preeclampsia. 

In 2022, I shared my story with the Preeclampsia Foundation, feel free to check it out...



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My Supporters

  • isaac karn Last month $25.00
  • Anonymous June 2024 $500.00
  • Anonymous June 2024
  • Eulonda Whitmore March 2024 $525.00
  • Eulonda Whitmore March 2024 $525.00
  • Anonymous June 2024 $500.00
  • isaac karn Last month $25.00