My Personal Fundraising Page

Why I Walk

While I knew what pre-eclampsia is, I was unfamiliar with postpartum pre-eclampsia.  Our son and daughter-in-love were expecting their long awaited rainbow baby.  Sweet EMM was born happy and healthy, but mama's health took a turn.  Re-admitted to the hospital, she was separated from her sweet angel and fighting to get healthy. As a mom and Mèmè, I was devastated that they had come so far to have their precious girl, only to have mama fighting for her health.  Loads of answered prayers and great treatment brought her home to her precious family.  It became my mission to learn as much as I can.  This is why I walk.  

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My Supporters

  • Aleta Mosebach May 2024 $26.25
  • Aleta Mosebach May 2024 $26.25