My Personal Fundraising Page

Why We Walk

Katie was a beautiful, empathetic soul who was so excited to be a mother.  She had 8 days with her perfect little boy before post-partum complications took her from us.  I've learned that so many don't understand the challenges that arise in the post-partum period and can easilty be brushed off as normal post-partum ailments. 

Preeclampsia increases a patients risk for ongoing health issue, including blood clots which is what eventually took Katie's life.  Other risks are seizures, organ damage or stroke.

I know today, Katie would want to make sure that every mother understood all the symptoms and that every doctor understood this disease fully.  Please help us raise awareness and/or donate to push for more research.

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My Supporters

  • Anonymous 2 weeks ago
  • Charlene Maison 2 weeks ago
  • Anonymous 2 weeks ago
  • Lynne DeCost 2 weeks ago $26.25
  • Lynne DeCost 2 weeks ago $26.25