Preeclampsia needs a voice

Let's help to raise awareness of Preeclampsia to support maternal health. Did you know that preeclampsia can present post-partum? Katie's preeclampsia presented 5 days after delivery, after she was already home from the hospital. If you search for treatment for Preeclampsia, almost all information points to delivery as the "cure." This is not always the case and obviously not the case when it presents post-partum. Preeclampsia research is working to find better and faster diagnosis for patients and better treatment options. Let's truly find a cure.

Why We Walk

Katie was a beautiful, empathetic soul who was so excited to be a mother.  She had 8 days with her perfect little boy before post-partum complications took her from us.  I've learned that so many don't understand the challenges that arise in the post-partum period and can easilty be brushed off as normal post-partum ailments. 

Preeclampsia increases a patients risk for ongoing health issue, including blood clots which is what eventually took Katie's life.  Other risks are seizures, organ damage or stroke.

I know today, Katie would want to make sure that every mother understood all the symptoms and that every doctor understood this disease fully.  Please help us raise awareness and/or donate to push for more research.






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  • Nicole Mongan 2 days ago $52.50
  • Cody Lafortune 3 days ago $52.50
  • Anonymous 2 weeks ago
  • Charlene Maison 2 weeks ago
  • Jessica Nolan 2 weeks ago
  • Maureen Lemay 3 weeks ago $250.00
  • Julie Richard Love you! 2 weeks ago $105.00
  • Kelly Wenzel 2 weeks ago $105.00
  • Julie & Ryan Fredette Love & miss you Katie Baby ❤️ 3 weeks ago $105.00
  • Meghan Merrill 3 weeks ago $100.00