Two days before what would have been my dad's 56th birthday, myself and my family and friends will be participating in multiple events for the Baltimore Running Festival. 

This past September, I lost my dad to a long battle with alcoholism. Despite his personal struggles, my father had the biggest, kindest heart and was always looking to give to those around him. Partnering with Helping Up, an organization fighting against addiction, poverty, and homelessness in Great Baltimore is the perfect way to honor my dad while helping those who suffer from similar struggles.

As I shared via facebook, some of my favorite memories with my dad were taking leftover pizzas from football games or packing up lunches at home to bring down to the homeless population in the city. It was in those moments that he taught me the importance of selflessness and generosity. He was always looking to give whatever he could to whomever he could; no matter how much he did or didn't have himself.

There is no better time to celebrate my dad and what he was all about, spreading love and joy, than right before his birthday. I ask that you donate whatever you can to this incredible cause in honor of my dad who we miss dearly. OSMEYER6 forever! 

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My Supporters

  • DJ williams 5 days ago $52.00
  • Susanna DeRocco The DeRoccos are cheering for you and know you will shine on 10/19! We will be out of town, but with you in spirit! You are an incredible soul, Abby! 6 days ago $104.00
  • Courtney Stude Love you! 6 days ago
  • Wendy Faraone 6 days ago
  • Melanie Bell 6 days ago
  • Cooper Pollard July 2024 $520.00
  • Andrew Osmeyer Go get ‘em, Abby! We love you! Caroline and Drew 1 week ago $500.00
  • John Donohue Love you, Abby. Thinking of you and your family today and missing your Dad. Love, John, Cecilia, Liv, and Juje. 2 weeks ago $500.00
  • Allison Watkins To the entire Osmeyer family: We loved your Dad. He had one of the biggest hearts!!! It continues to shine through you ALL. Much Love! Allison Steve Liv & Jack July 2024 $250.00
  • Susanna DeRocco The DeRoccos are cheering for you and know you will shine on 10/19! We will be out of town, but with you in spirit! You are an incredible soul, Abby! 6 days ago $104.00

My Teammates