Kris and Lisa Sharrar - Team HUM 2024

Family and Friends - Lisa and I are on Team HUM for the 13th year to raise awareness and funding for the life-saving programs and services at Helping Up Mission!! #LoveWins #LetYourLightShine

Lisa and I want to share why this cause means so much to us, and how YOU CAN SAVE AND CHANGE LIVES with your generous gifts!

Helping Up Mission is the place where GOD saved and changed Kris' life beginning in 2006. Through HUM, Kris has experienced GOD's love, mercy, forgiveness, and grace. 

In the years since graduation from the 1-year Spiritual Recovery Program, Kris has seen GOD restore relationships and friendships, and provide Kris a new, abundant life.  And professionally, Kris has the joy of a graduate staff member at HUM, as Director of Philanthropy.

Yet, even more, Kris has seen HUM have a lifesaving and transforming impact on sons Steve (2010-2011) and Dan (2013-2014), and nephew Damien (2016-2017). Helping Up Mission is a very, very special place for the Sharrar family.

And GOD brought Lisa into Kris' life in 2008 (yes, eHarmony does work!), and they have been sharing life and ministry since their marriage in February 2009. Being Team HUM members each year is one way to live out our God-given marriage ministry!

So, together in this effort, we want to raise "friends and funds" in a profound way that makes HUM - and GOD's miraculous work through it - available to the hundreds of men, women - and newborn infants now, too!!! - who are fighting the good fight to break free from the bondage of addiction, homelessness, and poverty and realize the abundant lives they were created to have!

Please join us!!!

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My Supporters

  • Anonymous 3 weeks ago
  • Jeffrey Kubik Keep following God's plan in your life as you share the light of Christ with them when they are surrounded by darkness. 3 weeks ago $52.00
  • Michael Garcia We love Helping Up Mission. Thanks for sharing your journey and being an inspiration. 3 weeks ago $100.00
  • Laurel Balanda 3 weeks ago $1,000.00
  • Sajay Rai Thanks to Kris and Lisa for being involved in such a great cause. 3 weeks ago $100.00
  • Laurel Balanda 3 weeks ago $1,000.00
  • BARRY & DENISE CRAIGEN We are thankful that HUM saved your life and that you use your experience and dedication to help save more lives. 3 weeks ago $208.00
  • Michael Garcia We love Helping Up Mission. Thanks for sharing your journey and being an inspiration. 3 weeks ago $100.00
  • Sajay Rai Thanks to Kris and Lisa for being involved in such a great cause. 3 weeks ago $100.00
  • Kris and Lisa Sharrar Last month $100.00