Heard of Zebras
Please consider donating to the Wellness House! The services they have provided for our family have been invaluable during this time. The programs that they offer have truly been life changing for our kids and have taught them so much about cancer, coping skills and have eased the worry and fear surrounding a cancer diagnosis. Thank you for all of your love and support, Sarah, Mike and the kids.
Why I Walk for Wellness House:
Wellness House provides complete cancer care - every step of the way. Whether you have cancer, or you are caring for a friend or family member who is diagnosed with cancer, all are welcome at Wellness House. More than 520 programs are provided each month, both online and in person, to improve physical and emotional well-being and give people with cancer a support network like no other.
Because of the Walk, and the generous donations of individuals and businesses, everything at Wellness House is provided free of charge, providing one less thing to worry about when struggling with a cancer. That's why I have joined the Walk and why I ask you to join me in giving what you can to support people in the fight for their lives.
of your goal reached
My Supporters
- Kristin Augle Love you, Sarah. You are amazing in every sense of the word. May 2024
- Anonymous May 2024
- Krista Simpson All our love to you Sarah! May 2024 $52.00
- Meredith Sayre May 2024 $52.00
- Wendy and Chris Iscra Good luck, we’re with you in spirit. May 2024 $52.00
- Andrea Rodbro Love you Sarah! April 2024 $250.00
- Rachael Harris May 2024 $104.00
- Katie Finke Finke Family wishes we could be there. We love you and will be there in Spirit!! May 2024 $104.00
- Anna Householder April 2024 $104.00
- Heather Costanzo Love you Strode Family! April 2024 $104.00
My Teammates
- Sarah Strode $3,023.60
- Dan Petrosko $1,063.20
- JANET MEDHAT Team Captain $1,030.00
- Chloe Leo $725.60
- CO Cathleen O’Hare $550.00
- Dana Clifford $500.40
- ET Ernest Tonelli $360.00
- MA Molly Anderson $241.60
- CM Christine Meyer $135.20
- EV Erin Vaughan $80.00
- RB Robert Becker $74.00
- KS Katie Schley $57.20
- WR William Rattazzi $36.00
- LS Laura Schutte $34.80
- NA Nereida Angel $32.40
- MS Maureen Sullivan $32.40
- SF Sandra Frink $32.40
- MD Mary Davis $32.40
- MD Makayla Duke $32.40
- JL Jacquelyn Lynch $31.20
- MP Madeline Pitman $31.20
- SH Stacey Hennessy-York $31.20
- RL Richard Lundgren $31.20
- JG Jason Gansho $31.20
- SS Sharon Sine $31.20
- RH Russ Hamm $31.20
- JN John Nedlo $31.20
- CT Chris Tomsic $31.20
- AR Alice Romano $31.20
- RH Rick Hicks $30.00
- BH Brady Hicks $30.00
- AH Austin Hicks $30.00
- KP Kaitlin Palcowski $30.00
- LW Lyndsay Whitfield $30.00
- AP Andrew Palcowski $30.00
- CG Caz Glancy $30.00
- AP Aaron Palcowski $30.00
- SP Sarah Palcowski $30.00
- MP Matthew Pesavento $30.00
- MW Maureen Washburn $30.00
- Laura Masciola $30.00
- MM Mike Masciola $30.00
- AM Alex Masciola $30.00
- DM Drew Masciola $30.00
- LM Lily Masciola $30.00
- HC Helen Czech $30.00
- SS Scott Schutte $30.00
- LS Landen Schutte $30.00
- MW Mark Washburn $30.00
- KS Kendall Schutte $30.00
- JS Jim Sullivan $30.00
- JR Jan Rattazzi $30.00
- JR Joe Rattazzi $30.00
- BS Bethany Stiltner $30.00
- AP Anna Pittman $30.00
- RM Rita Meireles $30.00
- GC Gwen Chisausky $30.00
- EC Eric Chisausky $30.00
- CC Colin Chisausky $30.00
- LC Liam Chisausky $30.00
- SC Sean Chisausky $30.00
- GN Grace Nee $30.00
- MA Mike Anderson $30.00
- LA Logan Anderson $30.00
- CC Christin Carroll $30.00
- TS Tracy Smith $30.00
- LO Lisa Otto $30.00
- SO Steve Otto $30.00
- BS Bethany Stiltner $30.00
- NF Nancy Flory $30.00
- RS Richard Stiltner $30.00
- RL Ryan Leo $30.00
- PB Patti Bulawa $30.00
- TB Tom Bulawa $30.00
- MM Matt Medhat $30.00
- PM Pierce Medhat $30.00
- AS Annette Sarocco $30.00
- BD Bonnie Durkin $30.00
- JD John Durkin $30.00
- JD Jack Durkin $30.00
- TW TRACY WADE $30.00
- CW Colleen Wade $30.00
- KK Kathy Kohl $30.00
- PK Pat Kohl $30.00
- BO Brody O’Hare $30.00
- PO Patrick O’Hare $30.00
- CO Celsey O’Hare $30.00
- JP Jeff Porter $30.00
- SP Sue Porter $30.00
- MB Mary Becker $30.00
- HM Horfar Medhat $30.00
- KK Kelly Kohl $30.00
- KL Karen Lundgren $30.00
- PB Patricia Bogolub $30.00
- SB Steven Bogolub $30.00
- MS Mary Sugrue $30.00
- SG Sarah Godley $30.00
- SG Shannon Gorney $30.00
- KG Kate Gorney $30.00
- PG Paul Gorney $30.00
- SG Sean Gorney $30.00
- SG Sheila Gorney $30.00
- MS Mike Sullivan $30.00
- MS Michelle Sullivan $30.00
- MS Megan Sullivan $30.00
- PC Patrick Clifford $30.00
- KK Katherine Kerth $30.00
- TC Thomas Callahan $30.00
- LG Larry Gansho $30.00
- EG Eileen Gansho $30.00
- JK Jake Krueger $30.00
- ST sydney trentz $30.00
- ZO Zachary Otto $30.00
- RG Robert Gjersoe $30.00
- MS Mike Strode $30.00
- KS Kate Strode $30.00
- GS Griffin Strode $30.00
- TK Terri Kumiega $30.00
- NS Nora Strode $30.00
- CK Carrie Kumiega $30.00
- NH Nancy Huetteman $30.00
- RF Ryan Fasano $30.00
- EP Emily Petrosko $30.00
- KH Karen Hanek $30.00
- IA Ivan Arenas $30.00
- MF Mary Flory $30.00
- BF Bryan Flory $30.00
- RF Roger Flory $30.00
- LF Luke Flory $30.00
- OF Owen Flory $30.00
- JI Joseph Ingerman $30.00
- RI Rhonda Ingerman $30.00
- CU Connie Untersee $30.00
- RD Rick Davis $30.00
- KU Kurt Untersee $30.00
- DH Donna Hippensteel $30.00
- DH Donna Hippensteel $30.00
- MT Moira Twitty $30.00
- DC Dan Callahan $30.00
- MS Maureen Scott $30.00
- ES Erin Scott $30.00
- ID Ian Duke $30.00
- JM Jen Maita $30.00
- BC Bill Callahan $30.00
- RH Reiko Hanks $30.00
- SH Stephanie Hicks $30.00
- LT Linda Tonelli
- JT Joe Tonelli
- JT Jen Tonelli
- JT Jake Tonelli
- JT Joey Tonelli
- CK Caitlin Kurtz
- MT Mike Tonelli
- KT KC Tonelli
- JT Josephine Tonelli
- ET Eleanor Tonelli
- NT Nico Tonelli
View All Team Members