My Personal Fundraising Page
Why I Walk for Wellness House:
Wellness House provides complete cancer care - every step of the way. Whether you have cancer, or you are caring for a friend or family member who is diagnosed with cancer, all are welcome at Wellness House. More than 520 programs are provided each month, both online and in person, to improve physical and emotional well-being and give people with cancer a support network like no other.
Because of the Walk, and the generous donations of individuals and businesses, everything at Wellness House is provided free of charge, providing one less thing to worry about when struggling with a cancer. That's why I have joined the Walk and why I ask you to join me in giving what you can to support people in the fight for their lives.
of your goal reached
My Supporters
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My Teammates
- Deborah Robertson Team Captain $952.00
- GW Gay Wenger $493.00
- SK Sandy Kieras $448.40
- NB Nancy Betker $420.20
- BM Beth Marcou $34.80
- SR Shannon Rodriguez $34.80
- JP Joseph Phistry $33.60
- DJ Deonna Jones $32.40
- JR Jake Robertson $32.40
- JR Jason Rodriguez $32.40
- RP Rachel Page $32.40
- BS Brent Sayers $32.40
- AC Alejandra Cohen $31.20
- MK Maureen Kolar $31.20
- CW Carolyn Wahlskog $31.20
- CK Colette Kubiesa $31.20
- CE Christine Esposito $31.20
- AD Anna Dearth $31.20
- NF Nolan Funk $31.20
- MM MB Mulcahy $31.20
- CL Cindy Lorusso $31.20
- DR Deborah Robertson $31.20
- PL Peg Lijewski $31.20
- KK Kate Koubek $31.20
- DD Dave Dearth $31.20
- ER Emma Robertson $30.00
- CC Cyndy Ciolino $30.00
- CC Catherine Conway $30.00
- CJ Christopher Jones $30.00
- LD Liam Daly $30.00
- LB Lynn Bosh $30.00
- LS Luna Segura $30.00
- HS Hawk Segura $30.00
- NF Nora Funk $30.00
- KR kristen robertson $30.00
- SR scott robertson $30.00
- FL Frank Lieb $30.00
- SS Sandy Stamer $30.00
- DC Diane Clark $30.00
- AT Anna Themanson $30.00
- MS Margot Smith $30.00
- AM Angella MacDonald $30.00
- EF Eileen Funk $30.00
- TF Taylor Funk $30.00
- KF Krlsey Funk $30.00
- NF Nolan Funk $30.00
- RF Renee Funk $30.00
- LR Lynda Rodriguez $30.00
- KC Kelly Corry $30.00
- BP Bonnie Piotrowski $30.00
- SR Sarah Rodriguez $30.00
- KS Katherine Spaeth $30.00
- KJ Karen Jarczyk $30.00
- JP Jayden Phistry $30.00
- CP Colin Phistry $30.00
- MA Melissa Angotti $30.00
- BP Brian Page $30.00
- CR Christopher Rodriguez $30.00
- CR Cameron Rodriguez $30.00
- LR Logan Rodriguez $30.00
- DM Donna Mueller $30.00
- AS Avery Sayers $30.00
- LR Lisa Rodriguez $30.00
- BL Betsy Lieb $30.00
- FR Fallon Rodriguez $30.00
- PR Phillip Rodriguez $30.00
- LH Laura Higdon $30.00
- CB Cindy Bock $30.00
- PR Patricia Robertson $30.00
- DT Denise Tucker $30.00
- TJ Tami Jensen $30.00
- LF Lisa Flores $30.00
- JF John Flores $30.00
- GR Gail Robertson $30.00
- DS Daniel Spaeth $30.00
- SR Steve Robertson $30.00
- BR Bob Robertson $30.00
- MA monica ahrens $30.00
- KR Kenneth Ramage $30.00
- JK Jane Karaszewski $30.00
- SM Suzanne Mladenik $30.00
- CK Carol Kratky $30.00
- RD Rita DelMonte $30.00