My Personal Fundraising Page
Why I Walk for Wellness House:
Wellness House provides complete cancer care - every step of the way. Whether you have cancer, or you are caring for a friend or family member who is diagnosed with cancer, all are welcome at Wellness House. More than 520 programs are provided each month, both online and in person, to improve physical and emotional well-being and give people with cancer a support network like no other.
Because of the Walk, and the generous donations of individuals and businesses, everything at Wellness House is provided free of charge, providing one less thing to worry about when struggling with a cancer. That's why I have joined the Walk and why I ask you to join me in giving what you can to support people in the fight for their lives.
of your goal reached
My Supporters
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My Teammates
- CH Cassie Hrtanek $582.00
- Jeanne Doty $514.80
- Lisa Flando $500.00
- RC Rachel Crabtree $344.40
- CB Cindy Bueneman $343.20
- SP Sandra Perion $322.40
- DE David Engelke $265.20
- Amanda Wilkerson $185.00
- AH Alex Hlavacek $161.20
- SR Samantha Rasmussen $135.20
- Carol Hintze $52.00
- JB Jennifer Blaha $37.20
- CA Christina Alexander $33.60
- TK Trinity Kocmoud $33.60
- Greg Doty $32.40
- KM Kelly Mahr $32.40
- EM Ever Mayer $31.20
- KH Kathy Holland $31.20
- MP Maria Perillo $31.20
- JI Jessica Ignarski $31.20
- DR Dennis Reboletti $31.20
- DR David Rimes $31.20
- MS Myra Smith $31.20
- KC Kris Cramer $31.20
- DM Darcy Mackaman $31.20
- TM Todd Mackaman $31.20
- KS Karli Schiller $31.20
- SB Stacey Bachara $31.20
- CA Cindy Ann Salvesen $31.20
- MR Michelle Reboletti $31.20
- KL Keith Lampi $30.00
- GL Gavin Lampi $30.00
- TS Therese Stoppenbach $30.00
- JS Jeffrey Stoppenbach $30.00
- TS Tawania Sutton $30.00
- JS Jake Szafranski $30.00
- TR Ted Rusniak $30.00
- BA Brian Alexander $30.00
- JA Jacob Alexander $30.00
- SP Sunder Pappu $30.00
- CH Cindy Haling $30.00
- RB robert barg $30.00
- TH Tim Hutchison $30.00
- SL SUSAN LEN $30.00
- CC Claudia Cruz $30.00
- MP Michael Pecken $30.00
- DJ Debbie Jaent $30.00
- MC Mita Cabrera $30.00
- JB Josh Blaha $30.00
- BB Bert Bittourna $30.00
- AB Alexis Blaha $30.00
- JR Jessica Rock $30.00
- NB Nicholas Blaha $30.00
- GB Gabriella Blaha $30.00
- JB Joseph Binder $30.00
- JH Janet Heintz $30.00
- CG Carol Goodwin $30.00
- RB Rebecca Blaha $30.00
- AA Anna Alexander $30.00
- MK Melissa Kindlon $30.00
- TK Timothy Kindlon $30.00
- SK Sean Kindlon $30.00
- KW Karen Williamson $30.00
- CL Cindy Lambert $30.00
- DC Daniel Curtin $30.00
- JS jonida sterjo $30.00
- BS Brett Smith $30.00
- KS Kyla Smith $30.00
- DS Dee Smith $30.00
- CG Chari Graham $30.00
- AW Alexander Wilkerson $30.00
- MG Michael Graham $30.00
- SW Silas Wilkerson $30.00
- SH Susan Hehn $30.00
- DH david howat $30.00
- LM Laura Malesky $30.00
- AI Aubrey Ignace $30.00
- TN Travis Neddermeyer $30.00
- LI Linda Ignace $30.00
- TL Teri Lind $30.00
- CJ Catherine JAKUBOSKY $30.00
- RW Rick Wisby $30.00
- JW Julie Wasberg $30.00
- II Isabela Ignace $30.00
- ZN Zander Neddermeyer $30.00
- CN Chase Neddermeyer $30.00
- ON Owen Neddermeyer $30.00
- JS John Sasnau $30.00
- TS Terri Sasnau $30.00
- MC Maria Chereso $30.00
- AC Anthony Chereso $30.00
- MW Martha Wallace $30.00
- MM Melissa Mayer $30.00
- WC William Cogley $30.00
- MC Mandi Cogley $30.00
- EM Ed Mahr $30.00
- KG Kristina Grimm $30.00
- MS Marianne Szalkowski $30.00
- MC Maddie Crabtree $30.00
- MH Maddie Hrtanek $30.00
- WR William Rassano $30.00
- DH Drew Hrtanek $30.00
- AK AnnaMaria Kowalik $30.00
- JK Jeffrey Kowalik $30.00
- JH Jennifer Howat $26.00
- BP Bob Parks $0.00
- CP Cathi Parks $0.00
- VL Valerie Luporini Team Captain $0.00
- PB Patricia Barg $0.00
- MF Mark Feilen $0.00
- MS Matthew Salvesen
- JS Jacob Salvesen
- TM True Mayer $0.00
- RG Rahmal Grahm $0.00
- PP Patty Pecken $0.00
- BC Briana Cabrera $0.00
- KD Kristen Doty $0.00
- AM Alyssa Mahr $0.00
- AI Allison Ignarski $0.00
- DM Dave Malesky $0.00
- DF Danielle Flando $0.00
- AS Arianna Serna $0.00
- SG Steve Gianos $0.00
- LP Larry Perion $0.00
- MH Matt Hrtanek $0.00
- AB Amina Benloucif $0.00
- DB Diane Blanden $0.00
- EN Elizabeth Nover
- KB Karina Balderas
- JG Jessica Gianos
- JR Jennifer Rusniak
- AP Amanda Phenegar
- RJ Rich Jurek