D-Feet Video

Come take a walk with us!

Come look at some pretty flowers and spend the morning outdoors enjoying the Arboretum for a good cause.

Bacterial Meningitis and Hearing Loss

Audrey was born healthy without any hearing problems. At 12 months old she became sick and was found to have Bacterial Meningitis. She was in the hospital for 15 days, 8 of those days were in the pediatric ICU. At the day of discharge from the hospital she had a hearing test done. She was profoundly deaf in both ears which led her to get bilateral cochlear implants just a short week and a half later.

It has now been three years, and she is a healthy, spunky, funny, beautiful ,thriving little four year old. Audrey is deaf, but with the help of cochlear implants Audrey has been able to communicate in the hearing world. 

She continues to amaze us every day and we are so incredibly proud of her. As parents we have enjoyed watching her blossom into the beautiful young girl she is. 

Continue to shine bright, baby girl. ☀️





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My Supporters

  • Crysta Lingscheit May 2024 $130.00
  • Crysta Lingscheit May 2024 $130.00

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