Full Rankings

Rank Top Participants Team Name Amount Raised
1 Stephanie Piacente $386.43
2 Rosamaria Lomuscio Rainbows on The Pond $308.89
3 Ron Zaleski $156.43
4 Rebecca Sheely-King Sheely-King $153.46
5 Meaghan Campbell Benson's Bulldogs $152.23
6 Christine Verhagen The Animal Hospital $150.00
7 Jennifer Hobbs $137.92
8 Carol Phillips $137.92
9 Brenna Hotaling The Animal Hospital $130.00
10 Catherine Petraccione The Lu's $130.00
11 Karen Cimmino Team Doosey $130.00
12 Jill Robinson The Animal Hospital $128.71
13 Danielle Dollar Star Woofing Pack $115.44
14 Michael Torelli Star Woofing Pack $104.95
15 Michael Fedele Star Woofing Pack $104.95
16 JoAnn Dollar Star Woofing Pack $103.46
17 Michele Wyse $101.48
18 Brian Fowler Star Woofing Pack $100.00
19 Trisha Lather Star Woofing Pack $100.00
20 Terra Stone $86.93
21 Shayne Johnson Insane Squirrel Posse $83.96
22 Katelyn Leets $82.97
23 Jody Baker $82.47
24 Jennifer Dunn Team Doosey $80.00
25 Karen Brooks $74.95
26 Tracy Lape Insane Squirrel Posse $70.00
27 Kris Giovannone Rainbows on The Pond $60.00
28 Beverly Kasowski Rainbows on The Pond $56.48
29 Brooke Marino Rainbows on The Pond $55.00
30 Mary Zawacki $53.96
31 Kathleen Joyce Rivers Gives $52.47
32 Tracy Bayley $52.47
33 Kelly Oppman Rainbows on The Pond $51.48
34 Patti-Jo Ferraro Team Doosey $51.00
35 Steve Pietruniak $50.99
36 Rob Stone $50.99
37 Kate Letzelter Rivers Gives $50.00
38 Sylvia Brown $50.00
39 Zack Hotaling The Animal Hospital $50.00
40 Debra Pasch $50.00
41 Kevin Zawacki $50.00
42 Shayla Sklarz $50.00
43 Alexander Knowles $50.00
44 Colleen Maher $50.00
45 Vin Petraccione $50.00
46 RJ Stone $50.00
47 Megan Maskell $50.00
48 Lynn Cordell $50.00
49 Tracy Stalteri $50.00
50 Jodi Yates The Animal Hospital $50.00
51 Christine Rodriguez $50.00
52 Timothy Hobbs $50.00
53 Kim Hall Team Doosey $50.00
54 Brittany Ferraro Team Doosey $50.00
55 Rob Brooks $50.00
56 Roland Graves $50.00
57 Doug Sheely Sheely-King $50.00
58 Paula Sheely Sheely-King $50.00
59 Zachary King Sheely-King $50.00
60 Nikki Ferrell Insane Squirrel Posse $50.00
61 Susannah Hardin $50.00
62 Cassandra Metke APF's No Paws Button $50.00
63 Mary Weber $50.00
64 Donna Dailey $50.00
65 Pete Verhagen The Animal Hospital $50.00
66 David Ridgeway The Animal Hospital $50.00
67 Krystal Verhagen The Animal Hospital $50.00
68 Patricia Reksc $50.00
69 Rachel Brugeman $50.00
70 Orlinda Drake Lola’s Ladies $50.00
71 Dan Aunkst Capital Region Therapeutic Massage $50.00
72 Matthew Brown Capital Region Therapeutic Massage $50.00
73 Laura Brown Capital Region Therapeutic Massage $50.00
74 Allynne Thackston Lola’s Ladies $50.00
75 jeff m busch $50.00
76 Mark Johnson $50.00
77 Marissa Drake Lola’s Ladies $50.00
78 Mercedes Fabian $31.48
79 Daniel Carozza BBL's Grateful Dog $30.00
80 Lilliana Krutz Rivers Gives $30.00
81 Anthony Murray Rivers Gives $30.00
82 Laura Strong Rivers Gives $30.00
83 Monica Miranda Capital Region Therapeutic Massage $30.00
84 Cathy Sim $30.00