Walk Information

D-Feet Hearing Loss is your chance to come together with friends, family, and fellow supporters for a fun-filled event while making a real impact!

University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum

Walk through the stunning University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum and proudly show your commitment to raising awareness and supporting those affected by hearing loss.

Date & Time:

Saturday, June 1, 2025 from 9:30AM – 1:00PM

  1. Registration: 9:30AM – 10:30AM

  2. Walk Begins: 10:30AM

  3. Lunch & Activities: 12:00PM

Directions & Parking

University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum 3675 Arboretum Drive, Chaska, MN 55318
(Located nine miles west of I-494 on State Hwy. 5, four miles west of Chanhassen on Hwy. 5, and ¼ mile west of the intersection of State Hwy. 41 on Hwy. 5.)

Plenty of FREE parking is available!


You can register by clicking this link.

Can’t make it to the Arboretum but still want to support the cause? You can register as a virtual participant and help raise funds for the Foundation!

A $25 donation includes:
Event T-shirt
Free Lunch
Live music & dancing with the Teddy Bear Band
Children’s games
A beautiful nature walk through scenic gardens and water features

Food & Fun!

Enjoy a FREE lunch – including our famous Root Beer Floats!

Need Help?

Contact Bob Jechorek at 763-222-9349
Email: rpjech@gmail.com

Come walk, celebrate, and D-Feet Hearing Loss with us! ???


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