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Why I run for Team Fired Up

I am running for anyone and everyone who has had an encounter with ugly dragon - cancer. 

While I am running for everyone, there are two people who have changed my life in their cancer battle.

In 2022 my Grandma (and my favorite person) was diagnosed with Stage Two Lung Cancer by pure chance. An unrelated procedure led to doctors finding two cancerous nodules. Doctors couldn't tell how long they had been there or how aggressive they might be, but the outlook was good. After rounds of radiation she is finally in remission and thriving. I'm thankful for that doctors and teams that have allowed me to have more time with my favorite person.

In 2015, a close childhood friend of mine, Austin, was diagnosed with a brain tumor in our senior year of college. Austin battled hard and went into remission a little over a year later. However, just a few short years later, Austin was diagnosed with a new form of cancer; Lukeimia. Austin fought a long, hard and brave battle, but ultimately lost his fight in 2022. Austin was one of the good ones. He was an amazing person and brought joy and light to every single person he came in contact with. I hope I can only honor him in this race.


However, it doesn't just stop there. In a short 27 years of life, I have known far too many friends, family and loved ones lose their battle with cancer. 

I strongly believe that if we as humans are going to overcome this ultimate battle, we have to work together and collaborate. That is what I love about the Dragon Master's Initiative. Dragon Master's Initiative is working hard to ensure that doctors and oncologists around the world have a system where they can share research, ground breaking treatments, success stories and collaborate together in the fight against cancer. 

As Helen Keller once said, "Alone we can do so little, but together we can do so much."

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My Supporters

  • Anonymous Last month
  • Anonymous Last month
  • Anonymous August 2024
  • Anonymous August 2024
  • Cheryl Stallings July 2024 $200.00
  • Cheryl Stallings July 2024 $200.00
  • Paula Palmour April 2024 $100.00
  • Jeanette Woodhall April 2024 $100.00
  • Crystell Billman April 2024 $75.00
  • Debbie Bachmeyer May 2024 $25.00