Being a teacher, many students tend to touch our lives. One in particular changed mine and left a mark that I will never forget. Juelz (aka "Juju") was a 3 year old boy with a wonderful smile, infectious laugh, and his whole life ahead of him. He was comforted by hugs, loved when I sang Spanish lullabies, and loved to yell "Mimi" to me through the halls! Unfortunately his childhood was ripped right out from under him when he was diagnosed with DIPG, a devistating and rare form of brain cancer. I saw him suffer through, and eventually pass away MUCH too young, from DIPG. I will be running again this year in honor of Juelz and will be raising money for Dragon Master Initiative so some day, hopefully, other families don't have to go through this pain. If you could help me reach my goal, it would be so appreciated!