Event Information

Martha Riley
Walk for Sudan hosted by Nuba Water Project
(303) 435-2073

Sunday, October 10, 2021
1:00 PM to 3:30 PM MDT

Campus Middle School &
Cherry Creek State Park
4785 S. Dayton St.
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
(Meet at Campus MS on the west side of the park.)




Lotus Financial Partners


Metrum Community Credit Union



BD Entertainment

BD Entertainment

Oops! You've reached the 2021 WFS site. Click below to go to the 2022 website.


The 2021 Walk for Sudan was a great success!

Over 200 people of all ages participated in the 15th annual Walk for Sudan on a beautiful Sunday in October.  Seven schools, a variety of other teams, many community members, both near and far, and matching donations by LOTUS Financial Partners contributed to over $26,500 in http://www.walkforsudan.orgdonations this year!  Thank you!

Our work will continue strongly in the Nuba Mtns of Sudan!


Join us for Nuba Water Project's 15th annual Walk for Sudan on Sunday, October 10, 2021 from 1 to 3:30 pm at Campus Middle School and Cherry Creek State Park.

Breaking News! Thanks to our online virtual sponsor, The Intentional Advisor, you can participate in the Walk for Sudan virtually on Sunday, October 10th, from 1 to 3:30pm, Denver time.  Just go to https://www.facebook.com/theintentionaladvisor/ whenever you'd like between 1 and 3:30 pm to see the action:

1 to 2 pm  Celebrate Sudan, with program beginning around 1:30 or so

2 to 3 pm  Walk for Sudan

3 to 3:30 pm   Wrap-up

Hope you can join us!


All Proceeds Benefit


Nuba Water Project will use proceeds to continue work to provide clean water and education scholarships to people in the Nuba Mountains who have suffered from government-sponsored attacks.  A current medical school scholarship will result in a Nuba medical student returning to the Nuba Mountains to be the second surgeon in the area.


Many Thanks to our Community Sponsors:

Lotus Financial Partners


Metrum Community Credit Union

BD Entertainment


Community Supporters:

Honorary Chairs -  

Tamara Banks, Emmy Award winning freelance journalist

Senator Michael Bennet and Susan Dagett
Congresswoman Diana DeGette

Andrew Romanoff - 
Former Speaker of the House  

Other supporters:

Denver Nuggets

Bishop Andudu Adam Elnail, Archdiocese of Kadugli, Sudan

Dr. Louis Perinjaquet

Recent Activity


Schedule:  1 to 2 pm   Celebrate Sudan! (refreshments, Sudanese music, art, jewelry, dancing, short program.
2 to 3 pm   5K Walk and Water Walk
3 to 3:30    Wrap up


Registration Fees (includes park entry fee and Walk for Sudan T-shirt)

Adults:  $35           Students:  $20

Teams:  $200        Famiies:    $70

(Teams comprised of up to 7 adults or 10 students.)

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