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We The Patriots USA is committed to preserving and defending our God-given right to protect ourselves and our families, enshrined in the Second Amendment to our U.S. Constitution.  Our legal efforts are only made possible by the generous support of our donors.  Please make a gift today to protect your right to protect!

Below is a sampling of some of our latest 2A legal updates.  For all of our legal updates, visit


For years now, the U.S. government has prohibited the carrying of firearms in U.S. post offices, and certain other government buildings. Americans have, by and large, accepted these restrictions as a normal part of living in the America of the 21st century, where the mainstream media has convinced the masses that there is no such thing as a responsible gun owner, and that these sorts of restrictions make us safer.

The reality, of course, is that responsible gun owners make this country a safer place, and each one of these restrictions chips away at our Second Amendment rights, with the grand agenda to strip us of our firearms altogether. This is why it's so important for us to fight to preserve and reclaim these rights, especially in light of the U.S. Supreme Court's recent decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen, 142 S.Ct. 2111 (2022), which affirmed that the Constitution provides us with an individual right to carry firearms outside the home. What's more, even though the federal statute prohibiting the possession of firearms in post offices contains an exception for carrying firearms for "lawful purposes", the U.S. government recently took the position that carrying firearms for self-defense does not constitute a "lawful purpose" within the meaning of this exception. That's right - the government has asserted that carrying a firearm for self-defense is not a lawful purpose.

That is why we've decided to take the case of David Nastri, a combat veteran and attorney, who has been a Connecticut pistol permit holder and responsible firearms owner for three decades. Yet he would be subject to prosecution simply for walking into a U.S. post office with a pistol strapped to his hip to mail a package. We have now filed a complaint in federal court seeking a nationwide injunction that would allow all members of We The Patriots USA to carry firearms in U.S. post offices, including of course Mr. Nastri. You can read our complaint here. If you are not yet a member but would like to be covered by this proposed injunction, please sign up for a Patriot membership today.


We have long predicted that tyrannical Governors and Presidents would use the "public health emergency" precedent set by covid to restrict countless other rights, chief among them the right to keep and bear arms (because, of course, a disarmed population is much easier to control than an armed one). Well, just this past Friday, September 8, 2023, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham issued Executive Order 2023-130 and declared gun violence “a statewide public health emergency of unknown duration.” New Mexico Public Health Secretary Patrick M. Allen then wasted no time issuing a public health order dated September 8, 2023 banning the carrying of firearms in cities or counties that meet certain crime statistics. The practical effect of this order is to ban the public carrying of handguns and other firearms for the lawful purpose of self-defense in New Mexico’s largest city – Albuquerque.

Governor Lujan's executive order brazenly flies in the face of the United States Supreme Court's recent decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen, 142 S.Ct. 2111 (2022). That case held that the Second Amendment protects a right to carry firearms in public, and it reached two conclusions regarding lawful restrictions on that right:

a. First, “[s]tates could lawfully eliminate one kind of public carry – concealed carry – so long as they left open the option to carry openly.” Id. at 2150.

b. Second, governments may not classify entire cities as “sensitive places” in order to ban any carrying of firearms in public. Id. at 2133. 

That is why we leapt into action Friday night, securing a plaintiff and filing our complaint Saturday evening. We are seeking injunctions to immediately stop the Governor's order from taking effect, and a declaratory judgment ruling that this order violates the Second and Fourteenth Amendments. Read the entire complaint here.

We will not stand idly by while these Communists work overtime to strip us of one of our most basic and precious human rights - the right to defend ourselves, and our families. That is why We The Patriots USA stands committed to fight back in court anytime your Second Amendment rights are under attack. This action is only made possible by generous donors like you. We were not able to waste time raising funds before filing this lawsuit, so we dipped into our reserves to fund this litigation. We would greatly appreciate it if you would prayerfully consider making a donation to our 2A Legal Fund today, so that we can replenish these funds for this and other Second Amendment litigation. Please also share the donation link with anyone you know who supports our fight to preserve our right to keep and bear arms.


On June 3, 2023, the Connecticut Senate gave final passage of a bill that bans the open carry of firearms in the state, places limits on the number of handguns that an individual can purchase at one time, and enshrines other Second Amendment violations into law. On June 6, 2023, Governor Lamont signed the bill into law. Within minutes of the Governor's signing, we filed a federal lawsuit challenging the law as unconstitutional. We are the lead plaintiff in this lawsuit brought on behalf of Connecticut citizens, and you can read the full complaint here.

Attorney Brian Festa, Vice-President and Co-Founder of We The Patriots USA, provided comment late Tuesday. "The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution is clear in that 'the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.' This law severely infringes upon the Second Amendment rights of the people of Connecticut. Although the bill was passed by radical anti-gun activists in the Connecticut legislature under the auspices of enhancing public safety, it does just the opposite. With crime rates soaring in the state, this law strips the law-abiding citizens of Connecticut of their right to defend themselves and their families. We will not allow this to go unchallenged, and we are confident that the United States Supreme Court will strike down this egregious violation of our natural rights."

This lawsuit is made possible by the generosity of our supporters like you. In order to replenish our legal fund so that we can continue filing suits like this, we ask that you prayerfully consider making a donation to our 2A Legal Fund today. Monthly donations make it possible for us to budget and plan future litigation in defense of everyday Americans' individual liberties and Constitutional rights.


Our right to bear arms is more important than ever.

There are many contributing factors to the heartbreaking problem of mass killings. According to the FBI, there was an over 50% increase in mass shootings from 2020 to 2021.

You may point to Godlessness, Mental Illness, or any number of other challenges facing our society and our youth.

Regardless of the cause, it is clear that now more than ever, we need the Second Amendment to protect our right to defend ourselves and our families if needed.

Right on cue, the tyrants have exploited the recent tragedies in Buffalo, Uvalde, and Chicago, demanding national "gun control" measures. We aren’t surprised, as we all know that Saul Alinsky included gun control in his 8 steps to build a socialist nation.

We also understand that the Second Amendment is critical to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our democracy.

We The Patriots USA is creating a legal fund to stand against any “gun control” measure that is enacted. This legal fund will prepare us to fight a multi-faceted attack on gun rights. WTP USA will partner with other like-minded organizations for a strong unified approach. With this legal fund, we will be prepared to swiftly file a lawsuit against any gun-related restrictions.

Remember the tragedies that were avoided by educated, equipped, armed citizens. Here are a few:

  • Texas Church Shooting
  • Tulsa Shopping Center
  • Arkansas Apartment Complex






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