My Badges
$100 Raised
Awarded when Anyone reaches $100.00 in donations
Awarded 07/21/2017
$500 Raised!
Awarded when Anyone reaches $500.00 in donations
Awarded 07/21/2017
$250 Raised!
Awarded when Anyone reaches $250.00 in donations
Awarded 07/21/2017
Awarded when Anyone reaches $1,000.00 in donations
Awarded 10/12/2017
Team Fundraising Leader
Awarded when a Team Member raises the most funds for their team
Awarded 10/18/2017
Shannon's Fundraising Page
Scott Seaver
Love that smile. Miss it, too.
Sammy Wayne Michael
Stylish, as always!
Sam and Matthew
Please support AIDS Outreach Center
Most of us share the painful experience of someone we love dying from the devastation of AIDS. Still today, with the advances in HIV treatment, people die from HIV related illnesses and new infections occur at a stable rate. The good news is that it happens much less frequently and a long healthy life for people living with HIV is possible. It takes energy, great focus and sufficient resources.
At AIDS Outreach Center, we help people obtain resources so that they are able to focus and prioritize their health. Today, viral suppression is likely with treatment and that leads to decreased transmission. AOC also provides an array of prevention services, including free HIV and syphilis testing, STI testing, linkage to care assistance and individual risk reduction counseling.
I am asking for your support for AOC’s services to provide hope to individuals and our community by donating what amount you are able. Every bit helps to reach my goal of $2,000. I appreciate all of your support.
Until there’s a cure,
of your goal reached
My Supporters
- Anonymous October 2017
- Julie White October 2017 $500.00
- Raffle Tickets July 2017 $100.00
- Shannon Hilgart July 2017 $500.00
- Julie White October 2017 $500.00
- Shannon Hilgart July 2017 $500.00
- Raffle Tickets July 2017 $100.00
My Teammates
- Shannon Hilgart $1,224.00
- Jessica Garza Team Captain $433.00
- Stephanie Cagle Team Captain $242.00
- Shawna Stewart Team Captain $161.00
- Ashley Flowers $147.00
- Candi Rath $25.00
- Melanie Tate $25.00
- Mahlon Tate $25.00
- Ryan Hamilton $25.00
- Madeline Yonts $25.00
- Lori Vandever $25.00
- Chance Cooper $25.00
- Gary ISAACS $25.00
- Dan Brown $25.00
- Michael Williams $20.00
- Bea Lampka $20.00
- Catherine Lampka $20.00
- Wilfried Lampka $20.00
- Heather Fowler $20.00
- Brandon Bright $20.00
- LeAnne Koonsman $20.00
- Elton Koonsman $20.00
- Shelby Shackleford $20.00
- Kris Cagle $20.00
- Jenny Nguyen $20.00
- Emma Lampka $15.00
- Eathon Lampka $15.00
- Davis Shackleford $15.00
- Kaiya Yonts $10.00
- Kiazer Cooper $10.00