
All the information you need to secure a Proclamation

Getting a Proclamation

  • Use Fillable Form – Click HERE for the Form
  • In blank areas
    • Put in your mayor or council member.
    • Your Town/City/County
  • Find your local Town/City/County’s contact person. If you you need help, please call the Chapter. 
  • Submit
  • If approved, let us know so we can send you any materials you will need and can notify other members that live in your area.
  • And, don't forget to take pictures so we can add them to our newsletters, e-blasts, and this website!



  • With your permission and assistance, we can prepare and submit the documents for a Proclamation for you. Contact BDASC if you would like to take advantage of this.
  • If approved, you will still be responsible for receiving the Proclamation. 

Proclamations and Celebrations Throughout South Carolina

South Carolina Proclamations
Please come out and support Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month by celebrating proclamations being read near you!

Upcoming Proclamation Dates & Times: (Dates/Times are being posted as we receive them)
Town of Mount Pleasant - Received by the Mulligan Family
State of South Carolina - Received
Town of Irmo - Received by the Keith Family
Please feel free to reach out to the chapter office if you would like more information on securing a proclamation for your town, city or county.  If you have already secured a proclamation, please let us know at so we can share the information with our community.