Team Leaderboard

Fundraising Page: The Queenpins First Place

The Queenpins


Fundraising Page: AgriBowlers Second Place



Fundraising Page: Pin Pals Third Place

Pin Pals


Full Rankings

Rank Top Teams Amount Raised
1 The Queenpins $2,354.50
2 AgriBowlers $2,079.75
3 Pin Pals $1,562.91
4 TS Minny Bowlers $1,056.25
5 Post-It Possy $969.75
6 Mort Masters $920.00
7 Britney Spares and Merrill Monroe $857.50
8 cashhhh me outbound, how bow dah $813.54
9 Dolls with Balls $787.50
10 The Big (Lab)owski $762.00
11 AMP TuneSquad $707.75
12 Adhesive All-Stars $655.00
13 MauPa's Minions $629.50
14 RAScals $531.25
15 Assurant Strikers $528.00
16 El Duderino's $527.50
17 ThriveGuys $462.49
18 Hounds $445.00
19 Snakes on a Lane $390.00
20 Risk Assurance Empire $389.50