Event Description

Welcome to the Rett Crusader Virtual Run! 

We invite you to join us in our Rett Crusader Virtual Run February 18 - 20, 2021! With runDisney converting the 2021 Disney Princess Half Marathon Race Weekend into a virtual run, we have a great opportunity to support our current Disney Princess team and run or walk “alongside” them virtually.

Cost: $35

Fundraising Minimum: $250 (due by 1.22.21)

We will send you a custom race shirt and medal, printable bib and GP2C swag. We will also provide you with the tools you need to fundraise! 

Girl Power 2 Cure, is a 501c3 nonprofit that is fighting for all of those affected by Rett Syndrome, a debilitating neurological disorder that predominantly affects females but can affect boys. It is the leading genetic cause of severe impairment in girls, brought on by a single gene mutation that leads to underproduction of an important brain protein. Kids are born “normal,” but without the protein, begin to lose acquired skills between 1 and 3 years old. Many lose their ability to speak, walk or use their hands, and depend on their families for every part of their day. Complications include seizures, sudden death and scoliosis.

Despite their physical disabilities, girls and boys with Rett Syndrome are believed to be functioning mentally at a much higher level than previously thought. Amidst the mass confusion in their central nervous systems, they are smart, strong, and waiting bravely for us to unlock the door to their recovery. 

Today, there is no cure. But Rett Syndrome is CURABLE! Research has proven once protein levels are back to normal levels, symptoms subside.

Their strength and perseverance inspire and empowers people across the globe, just like you!

Please join us, as a runner, donor or sponsor to help continue the fight to cure Rett Syndrome.

To date, we have raised over $1.9 million through the generous supporters and sponsors of our runners towards a cure!

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