My Personal Fundraising Page
Tell your story here! Your supporters will want to know about you and why you’re fundraising for this cause.
My Badges
50% of Goal!
Awarded when Anyone reaches 50 % of goal
Awarded 03/01/2018
Fundraising Achieved
Awarded when Anyone reaches 100 % of goal
Awarded 03/16/2018
of your goal reached
My Supporters
- Bridget Shingler March 2018
- The Clorox Company March 2018 $10.00
- Anonymous March 2018
- The Clorox Company March 2018 $10.00
- Elaine lee March 2018 $10.00
- The Clorox Company March 2018 $30.00
- Ambra Duncan Anthony - Nice job rallying the team for a great cause! -Ambra March 2018 $30.00
- The Clorox Company February 2018 $25.00
- anthony adkins February 2018 $25.00
- The Clorox Company February 2018 $20.00