Donor Leaderboard

EU First Place

Emily Uhe


JF Second Place

James Fritz Sr.


SA Third Place

Sandra and Loran Schnaidt


RS Fourth Place

Renee Sims


SF Fifth Place

Susan Fritz


Full Rankings

Rank Top Donors Amount Raised
1 Emily Uhe $250.00
2 James Fritz Sr. $100.00
3 Sandra and Loran Schnaidt $100.00
4 Renee Sims $100.00
5 Susan Fritz $100.00
6 Jim Fritz $100.00
7 Robert Fritz $100.00
8 Steve Heikkila $70.00
9 Dianna Heikkila $70.00
10 Dave & Jane Kramer $50.00
11 Marsh Lukens $50.00
12 Kim Wood $50.00
13 Kathy Drapp $50.00
14 Nancy Colvis $50.00
15 Pat Bartis $30.00
16 Barb Hawkins $30.00
17 Peggy DeWille $25.00
18 Kerry Stawizynski $25.00
19 Samantha Fritz $25.00
20 Troy Nappier $20.00
21 Karla Kramer $10.00