Hi! I'm Alexis. I'm in third grade at Veritas Christian Academy. My favorite subjects in school are reading, art, science, and music. The best thing about Veritas is that you can talk about God and you learn about Jesus. Those are some reasons I want people to donate. I'm raising money for the new Veritas campus. We are building it so new students can go to Veritas too! We would be so glad if you could donate.

  Hi! I'm Luke. I'm in kindergarten and I go to Veritas too! My favorite subject in school is math. I like to go outside and play soccer with my friends. I am raising money because I want more students to come to this awesome school.  Please help us raise money for a new school campus. 

Thank you so much for supporting us!





of your goal reached









My Supporters

  • Anonymous Run like the wind! May 2022
  • Pablo Kim Wishing you the best! May 2022
  • Jinah Im May 2022
  • Tanya Hong For Alexis and Luke May 2022 $100.00
  • Seung Ryeol Lee I hope the campus will be constructed in the near future!0☆0 May 2022 $104.00
  • Halmuhni and Harabuhji Suh May 2022 $600.00
  • Seung Ryeol Lee I hope the campus will be constructed in the near future!0☆0 May 2022 $104.00
  • Beung Heon Lee Alexis and Luke ! I love you. May 2022 $104.00
  • Tanya Hong For Alexis and Luke May 2022 $100.00