My name is Grace Gao, and I like Veritas because everybody is christian, kind, fun, and fair.

My favorite subject is writing, and reading! I hope you can come to Veritas next year! If you want to, donate! In Veritas, you can have lots of fun! Next year,my little brother, Joshua Gao is also coming to Veritas.

                                                       Donate For Our New Building!!!

                                                                    Thank You!





of your goal reached









My Supporters

  • Grace Zhang Hi Grace, So sorry I just realized today that I had not responded to your email! I was very impressed by your courage to come to me and others for this effort. I’m happy to support you and your school. Have fun at Veritas! It’s great that Joshua will join June 2022 $52.00
  • Yanlin Liu Wish this can help promoting Christian values among children. So more people will praise and glorify God. May 2022 $50.00
  • Bethany Carnes Go Grace!!! May 2022 $10.00
  • Xiaochun Huang Proud of you, Grace May 2022 $52.00
  • Anonymous To Grace Gao May 2022 $100.00
  • Anonymous To Grace Gao May 2022 $100.00
  • Bo Gao Hi Grace, Thanks for your email, and I am happy to help. May God bless you and your school! Best, Dad May 2022 $100.00
  • Grace Zhang Hi Grace, So sorry I just realized today that I had not responded to your email! I was very impressed by your courage to come to me and others for this effort. I’m happy to support you and your school. Have fun at Veritas! It’s great that Joshua will join June 2022 $52.00
  • Xiaochun Huang Proud of you, Grace May 2022 $52.00
  • PEI ZHAI Hi Grace, I am very impressed by your effort and courage! Good luck. Blessings, Pei May 2022 $52.00